Monday, January 9, 2017


As I was watching television tonight a commercial aired toting a medication bearing one of those ludicrous, ‘created by a committee’ sort of names. In this case, the agenda was about treating COPD, and how that by taking said medication one might live a bit longer than avoiding it altogether. 

As is always the case a speed-talking disclaimer informs us about possible side effects, and the population which should avoid ingesting the particular medication upon which the commercial is based. And it always occurs to me that the potential side effects are significantly less desirable than not treating the condition at all. And it is about that time I find myself musing, “I definitely must avoid that medication at all costs!”

At any rate, as this advertisement moved into the ‘faster than the speed of sound’ disclaimer, the announcer, (who never in his life lost a tongue twister contest) reminds us,

“This medication is not intended for use by pregnant women, as it could harm or kill unborn babies.”

And at that moment it occurred to me that the so-called ‘health care industry’ always ‘calls a spade a spade;’ unless, of course …it isn’t convenient for it to do so.

We live in a country in which the wholesale practice of abortion is rampant. 1.5 million embryos and fetuses are aborted in America on a yearly basis. And organizations such as Planned Parenthood make it possible. Of course, the afore-mentioned company, and others like it downplay and sometimes denigrate the use of the expression, ‘unborn baby,’ in favor of such euphemisms as, ‘fetal tissue’ or ‘a mass of cells.’

And heaven forbid abortion providers be shackled with the ‘absurd’ requirement of providing an ultrasound prior to the ‘procedure;’ lest a substantial number of women visually incorporate what is about to transpire, refuse to follow through with said ‘procedure,’ (there’s that word again), and depart the premises.

Pt. 2

Speaking of the duplicity of the ‘health care industry’ and its use of whatever term for an unborn child happens to be convenient at the time; (in order to profit thereby). Conversely speaking, when it comes to traffic accidents or instances of homicide, it is not unusual to hear a policeman or reporter say, “the victim’s unborn infant died with her.”

As a counselor I have interacted with hundreds of women who admit to having experienced one or more abortions; (and I have never been harsh or judgmental with them). However, it has always ‘struck me strange’ that, without fail, whenever the topic was discussed, tears have sprung to their eyes, and the women have voiced regrets, and more often than not, guilt.

And since Planned Parenthood, pro-choicers, (and many who have submitted to abortion) always seem to counter pro-lifers with references to minority motives for the ‘procedure,’ it might be helpful to understand that I, too, have experienced mixed opinions about abortion in cases of rape, incest and deformity. 

However, the vast majority of abortions in America, and throughout the world are the result of unplanned pregnancies, embarrassment, convenience, and/or birth control. On a daily basis in this country thousands of perfectly heathy, viable human beings are being denied the opportunity to live and move and breathe, and take their rightful place in society.

As scripture admonishes us,

“There things ought not to be.”

I think when our culture subtracts euphemisms such as ‘fetal tissue’ or a ‘mass of cells’ from its vocabulary, and consistently affords the ‘product of conception’ the dignity of the words, ‘unborn baby,’ abortion will begin to be seen for what it is.

By William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from "(Mc)Donald's Daily Diary" Vol. 49.

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If you would like to see the titles and access hundreds of my blogs from 2015 and 2016, do the following:  

Click on 2015 in the index to the right of this blog. When my December 31st blog, "The Shot Must Choose You" appears, click on the title. All my 2015 blog titles will come up in the right margin

Click on 2016 in the index to the right of this blog. When my December 31st blog, "Children of a Lesser God" appears, click on the title. All my 2016 blog titles will come up in the right margin

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