Friday, January 6, 2017


Over the past several years this country has been engaged in a great deal of racial contention, especially in terms of the ‘Blue on Black’ police shootings, leading to demonstrations and riots; and promoted by the so-called ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement.

Speaking of movements, (and on the other side of the spectrum) we have the Ku Klux Klan, skinhead and white militia groups who promote the philosophy of so-called racial purity, and ‘the heritage which our Caucasian Christian fathers have bequeathed to us.’

I grew up in the south of the 50’s and 60’s, and unless my readers are too young to remember, were exiled to Siberia or in a coma during that era, you are all too aware of the existence of the American Civil Rights movement, and the prejudicial treatment of a racial minority; who at the time were referred to as ‘colored people.’

Fast forward almost half a century and I was privileged to teach a course at a local university, my alma mater, which included a segment on the so-called American Mixing Pot; which has as its focus the vast array of cultures, colors and creeds of which America is comprised. 

Not only are we the most diverse country in this regard, but we are also individually diverse. Which brings me to remind my readers of a technology that currently provides you, and me, and the guy next door the opportunity of exploring their individual diversity.

I completed a DNA test a few years ago, and shortly before her death my mother also completed one. Ultimately, I discovered that I had been bequeathed an amazingly expansive genetic diversity.

English. Scottish. Irish. Welsh. Danish. German. Austrian. French. Slovakian. Spanish. Jewish. Arab. Sub-Saharan African.

That last one was nothing less than a ‘shocker.’ As it fell together, I was almost 1 percent black in ethnicity.

Pt. 2

There was this family legend which had circulated for generations that our lineage included a Native American bloodline. However, I can report that neither my mother’s nor my DNA testing indicated any such thing. And I have wondered whether some unnamed, unknown prejudicial ancestor ‘knew the truth’ and created a myth which would account for the dark complexion of some members of my extended family.

As a genealogy buff, I was all too aware of the majority of the nations from which my long-lost ancestors hailed. However, I can tell you that I was pleasantly surprised to be made aware of the last four ad-mixtures; which I indicated in the previous segment of my story. Especially 

…the final one.


My mother passed away before the results of her DNA testing was available, but I have wondered how she might have responded to the revelation. She grew up in a segregated south and, no doubt, had foolishly and carelessly used the ‘N word’ in the parental home, as did her parents.

Well, my friend, I have ‘done the math’ and have discovered that my 5x great grandmother (or great grandfather) would have, without question, lived during the era of the American Revolution, would have been a slave, and would have hailed from ‘darkest Africa.’

I recall going into the grocery store with my mother and I witnessed the black and white water fountains and the black and white bathrooms. I remember when a few of the best and brightest local black students were integrated into our all-white high school; setting the stage for a larger number in successive years. 

And, upon reflection, I think how absolutely idiotic segregation was, and how absolutely absurd the concept of hate groups of any color and racial persuasion were, (and continue to be).

For you see, as I have implied, I’ve done the math, and lest no one else in the course of your lifetime makes you aware of the following information, allow me to do so.

Pt. 3

Dear readers, it ‘ain’t’ referred to as a ‘family tree’ for nothing.

For you see, each and every one of us have two parents, four grandparents, eight great grandparents, sixteen great great grandparents, etc. etc. And if you draw this dynamic out 1500 years, or approx. 33 generations, each and every person who lives on the earth has (drum roll) 1 billion direct ancestors (great grandparents). The 34th generation would double that number. The 35th generation would double it again. 

And as any simpleton might easily understand, with that many direct ancestors, there just ‘ain’t’ none of us ‘pure.’ (And such a notion causes me to wonder what any random Ku Klux Klan member would do with this sudden insight). For you see, there can be no doubt, whatsoever, given the amazing number of relatives with which you and I have been graced, that every ‘Tom, Dick & Harry’ who live, and move, and breathe on the earth have inherited DNA from all three major racial groups!

Yes, America is a melting pot. And so is Great Britain. And so is France. And so is Australia. And so is Israel and Iraq. Etc. Etc.

It kinda puts a whole new flavor on that old children’s song,

“Red and Yellow, Black and White

They are precious in His sight

Jesus loves the little children

of the world.”

By William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from "(Mc)Donald's Daily Diary" Vol. 49. Copyright pending. If you wish to share, copy or save, please include this credit line.

If you would like to see the titles and access hundreds of my blogs from 2015 and 2016, do the following:  

Click on 2015 in the index to the right of this blog. When my December 31st blog, "The Shot Must Choose You" appears, click on the title. All my 2015 blog titles will come up in the right margin

Click on 2016 in the index to the right of this blog. When my December 31st blog, "Children of a Lesser God" appears, click on the title. All my 2016 blog titles will come up in the right margin

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