Tuesday, December 1, 2015

You've Got Mail & I've Got Jokes

There’s a scene in the movie, “You’ve Got Mail” in which Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan can be seen standing in a “Cash Only” grocery line. The character which Ms. Ryan depicts has stepped into that particular line by mistake, and when she proceeds to hand over a VISA card to pay for her purchases the cashier abruptly exclaims,

“This is a cash only line, ma’am. You’ll have to take your stuff to the other register!”

To which “Joe Fox” (Tom Hanks) responds,

“Aren’t you gonna give the lady a break this one little time?”

(And the cashier glares at him).

At which time Old Joe tries a different tactic.

“Knock, knock.”

(He’s hooked the clerk now).

“Who’s there?”

Joe smiles a knowing smile.


(She thinks, “This should be good.”)

“Orange who?”

“Orange you gonna zip the lady’s card?”

Now even the cashier if forced to smile, and she begrudgingly zips the credit card.


All that to say, the following experience of my friend, Elaine, made me think of the scene I just recounted…

“So I made the mistake of running into the Dollar Tree.

The man on the register and the shopper he was trying to help was extremely slow. One lady gave up and left without buying her stuff.

Another lady asks me…

‘Do you mind if I step over here and get a potato peeler.’

I replied,

‘Certainly not! You probably got time to grow you some potatoes if you want.’

Everyone cracked up. Then that goofy comedienne just came alive. Everyone was chuckling and the wait was so much more pleasant. 30 minutes later, customer number 4 (yours truly) finally checked out and waved wishing all a Merry Christmas.

Have fun when you can folks. Life is too short and

… 'tis the season to be jolly!”

By William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from (Mc)Donald's Daily Diary" Vol. 17. Copyright pending.

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