Sunday, December 13, 2015

Dysfunctional Mindsets - Assignment


The following assignment has the potential to

provide insight and to literally change your life.

Scripture calls us to agree with what God says

about us. It exhorts us to “Put on the mind of Christ” and to

“Take off the old man. Put on the new man.”


1.     Write a paragraph which summarizes what you believe is a Negative Mindset in your life.


Example: All my life I have believed I am stupid and that I could never achieve success in school, on the job, or in a relationship. The longer I live, the more I realize what an utter failure and waste I am. God really does make junk. I’m clear proof of it.”


2.     Next, write a paragraph which summarizes a Defensive Mechanism which flows out of the faulty mindset. (This paragraph represents a behavior or lack thereof). For instance,


Example: Because I believe I am stupid and a failure, I have given up trying. I have been and will be content with just getting by. I mean, what’s the use anyway? I must shield myself from getting hurt or taking risks. As much as possible I will refrain from any activity in which I’m destined for failure.


3.      Next, Rewrite the Mindset contained in the first paragraph. Whether you believe it or not at this moment, rewrite the mindset in a healthier, positive manner. For instance,


Example: All my life I have been believing a lie. Because I understand this now, I am determined to change my perceptions of my abilities. I am not stupid, and God really doesn’t make junk. He has loved me with an everlasting love, and as I follow Him, He will give me success and give me grace in my daily activities.


4.     Finally, write a paragraph which summarizes a Coping Mechanism that should result from the Rewritten Mindset, above. (This paragraph represents one or more positive behaviors or actions). For instance,


Because it is not enough to believe a particular way, I will begin to take healthier, positive actions which reflect my new mindset about my abilities and self- worth. I will risk getting hurt. I will go the distance. I will purposely do my best, and attempt to succeed in each and every opportunity God provides me.


**Begin to focus on and apply the Rewritten Mindset and the resulting Coping Mechanism in your life. Read these paragraphs aloud several times a day. Incorporate them into your life. Use every opportunity you get to take the necessary actions which agree with your new mindset.


You may wish to do the previous homework assignment several times in relation to various faulty mindsets in your life.


“Commit your works unto the Lord, and your thoughts will be established.” (Proverbs 16:3)
By William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from "Wednesday Evening Teachings" Copyright pending
*If you wish to copy, share or "save" this assignment, please include the credit line, above

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