Thursday, December 3, 2015

Gun Control

In the light of several recent mass murders, those among us who encourage gun control, including the incumbent president, are missing the point, altogether.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for background checks for everyone purchasing a handgun or assault-style rifle, including adding gun show and private purchases to the requirement, but c’mon folks, it simply ain’t about stiffening our gun control laws. That isn’t going to get the job done. Not by a long shot.

And while I’m not some sort of conservative radical, (though conservative I am) I can understand the concern among groups like the National Rifle Association that the push for additional gun control legislation is just “the tip of the iceberg,” and that there is a hidden agenda among some in our government to diminish or eradicate our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms.

It has been said before, but I will say it again…

It’s not about the easy availability of legal weapons, since when you diminish or subtract the right of our citizens to purchase guns and rifles, you subtract their ability to defend themselves from people who will find a way to procure a weapon illegally.

And if, in the unlikely chance, the criminal or terrorist or madman is unable to buy a firearm, he or she will use a bow & arrow, and if bows & arrows are outlawed, he or she will use a ball bat.

My friends, it’s simply not about gun control. It’s all about faulty mindsets.

I mean, you can place a million legal (or illegal) weapons into the hands of a million decent, right thinking citizens, and you won’t have a single incident in the space of a hundred years. At the same time, you can put one legal (or illegal) weapon into the hands of a single man or woman with a demented agenda, and you “got trouble.”

No, my friend, contrary to popular belief and Political Correctness, it’s not about Gun Control. If anything, it’s about Mind Control.

And sadly, we’re not gonna change the minds of people who are bent on our destruction.
By William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from "(Mc)Donald's Daily Diary" Vol. 17. Copyright pending
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