Tuesday, December 1, 2015

My First Order of Business as God

A moment ago I was just sitting at my keyboard, (as of course I am now) and looked over to my right. Just four feet away on the carpet of my den sat my little Shih Tzu, (I never liked the pronunciation for this breed,) Queenie. She was stretched out on her belly looking out our double rear glass doors; (which face our two nearest scrub oaks and privacy fence).
And the previous scenario calls to mind our dearly departed pooch, Buddy. (In spite of her name, “he” was actually a “she”). At any rate, I have an old picture of Buddy sitting under these same two oaks trees.
Buddy and Queenie might just as well have been twins since their photos are almost indistinguishable from one another. However, their personalities; well now, that's a different story entirely.

But in terms of just one facet, in particular.

While Queenie has been relegated to adoring nature from behind glass doors, Buddy fellowshipped with nature “up close up and personal.”

Queenie is simply not to be trusted. Unbeknownst to my wife and I, about a year ago she scooted out the door. And before we “had time to miss her” the doorbell rang, and lo and behold when I opened it, a teenaged girl stood there holding Queenie.

“Hi, is this your dog?”

To which I affirmed that she was.

Queenie had wandered a full quarter mile down the street.

Buddy, on the other hand, loved to wander about as far as I could throw her; (if I had been inclined to throw her). I would open the rear door and let that beloved pooch walk into the back yard. She had a favorite spot in the grass from which she regularly “caught rays.” And when she was done “bird watching” she strolled back up to the back door, and made us aware of her presence. (Once when she had been locked out, and found herself in the front yard, she scratched and whimpered ‘til we became aware of her dilemma).

Last night I happened up on a current news story and accompanying photos on the internet.

It seems a Galapagos turtle named, “Jonathan” just turned, (drum roll)

… 183

I kid you not.

Interestingly enough, the article included “then and now” photographs of Jonathan. The first depicts “Old John” lying next to a South African Boer wearing the hat which distinguished this particular breed of human being, and the picture on the right is a current photo of the handsome (not) four-legged creature.

Amazingly, the “then” picture of Jonathan and his captor was taken in 1902 when Jonathan was already a well-seasoned 70 years of age!

But all the foregoing to say,

If, in the scheme of things, I were given the attributes of “Bruce, Almighty,” (the movie in which Jim Carey momentarily assumes all the prerogatives of God) I would immediately endow our little canine companions with the longer span of years, and turtles with the shorter.
By William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from (Mc)Donald's Daily Diary" Vol. 7. Copyright Vol.s 1-15.
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