Friday, February 17, 2017


As I stood at the deli counter, I recalled as a child making a mental connection between ‘my’ Formosa, and the Formosa upon which my server was born, and holds so near and dear. 

As I entered my teen years and high school, I learned that the Nationalist Chinese government of Chiang Kai-shek took up residence on that island; having fled the Communist forces of Mao Tse-tung in 1949, (the year of my own birth). And I also became aware of the troubled relationship which exists today between the current Communist government of mainland China and the democratic government of Taiwan (Formosa). Of course, the difficult peace which exists in that region presents one possible flash point for the United States, as we have attempted to maintain diplomatic relations, and foster trade with both governments.

As I write these words, I don’t recall noting her name. All I really know about my server is that she originated on the island of Formosa, immigrated to the United States, visits her beloved country from time to time, that she has a pleasing personality and a radiant smile, and she fixes just about the fastest, ‘meanest’ sandwich you can possibly imagine. 

As I implied earlier, I grew up on a street characterized by the name of ‘Formosa.’ I have not yet mentioned that I lived out what I consider an idyllic childhood on that particular avenue. 

I chased humming birds in my front yard, pulled crawfish out of nearby streams, engaged in rotten orange fights in the grove behind my house, played ‘crack the whip’ with neighborhood friends, ran behind the mosquito fog truck, (and am apparently none the worse for it) and anxiously walked past the local cemetery at dusk, on my way to the ‘movie show.’

Throughout the course of the new century, and for a decade before that, I have served as a pastoral counselor, and I am privileged to have impacted thousands of precious people in this role. In terms of my demeanor, I am a slight introvert, I am a man who values humbleness and servanthood above all other traits, I am fastidious about keeping my word, and desire to leave a rich legacy behind me; (needless to say, a legacy dependent on impact, rather than anything tangible).

By William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from "(Mc)Donald's Daily Diary" Vol. 51. Copyright pending

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If you would like to see the titles and access hundreds of my blogs from 2015 and 2016, do the following:  

Click on 2015 in the index to the right of this blog. When my December 31st blog, "The Shot Must Choose You" appears, click on the title. All my 2015 blog titles will come up in the right margin

Click on 2016 in the index to the right of this blog. When my December 31st blog, "Children of a Lesser God" appears, click on the title. All my 2016 blog titles will come up in the right margin

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