Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Age of Enlightenment?

I hate abortion.

As a pastoral counselor I have discovered that roughly a third of my female clients have experienced one or more abortions. And without exception, when the topic comes up, tears spring to their eyes, and they have expressed regrets.

Contrary to what various social media friends of mine have claimed, Planned Parenthood and similar organizations perform a vast number of abortions, and the business of abortion (because it is a business) amounts to a significant percentage of their annual revenue.

When I have brought up the issue of discovering and using methods to avoid abortion, with some liberal thinkers, almost without fail they have responded with condemnation of me and my persuasion, as if I were inhuman, and have no empathy for the women who submit themselves to abortion. They go on to speak about “women’s health care,” (as if abortion is fundamentally about health care, rather than with far too many, a dysfunctional form of birth control).

We live in an age of enlightenment when middle school children are offered sex education, and there is a host of resources available to them. When birth control information is so widely available, why do so many young women, especially the poor and single, find themselves pregnant and seeking abortion; sometimes multiple times during their lifespan?

We live in an age when people are encouraged to avoid cigarettes at all costs since lung cancer is so often the result of smoking. We live in an age when our young people are cautioned to avoid texting and driving, as thousands of adolescents have already died on this nation’s highways. Is there not a direct correlation in terms of avoiding irresponsible pregnancies; which far too often results in abortion?

One and half million abortions a year in this country!

And before someone introduces the topic of rape, incest, deformity, or the life of the mother, (and in spite of arguments to the contrary) pregnancies resulting from or including these variables represent a small percentage of the total annual abortions in this country. (And I understand why some make the choice to abort in such instances. This sort of decision is subjective, and might be deemed justifiable. To be fair I have had mixed opinions about abortions which fall under these headings). And in regard to another argument people use to justify Roe vs. Wade, it is a fallacy to believe that were legalized abortion not legal that just as many women would resort to back alley abortions. Only a small percentage were doing so before that monumental Supreme Court decision which, I believe, threatens to bring God's wrath down on this great nation.

And whether you are Pro Life or Pro Choice, and everything I have previously alluded to in this particular blog, the recent videos of Planned Parenthood officials speaking to the subject of selling off fetal body parts to research organizations is nothing less than deplorable; especially when we consider that one or more of these representatives were eating lunch at the time, and one spoke of using her commission to buy a fancy sports car!

We live in an age when good is bad and bad is good. Speaking of "inhuman," the ghoulish practice of selling fetal body parts is nothing less than inhuman, and, as a result, several states have moved to defund Planned Parenthood.

I deplore abortion, though I have all the empathy in the world for those who have made the choice to abort. My “beef” is with the abortion industry, and the massive number of human lives which are sacrificed on its altar on a yearly basis.

It has become far too easy to practice sexual irresponsibility; when methods are readily available to preclude conception, and ultimately to preclude the necessity for abortion.

By William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from "(Mc)Donald's Daily Diary" Vol. 5 

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