Tuesday, January 22, 2019


I peddle a bicycle 10 miles a day. Some days as much as 30. As a result, I have managed to drop some serious weight over the past few years, and have accumulated over 12,500 road miles.

Perhaps the last word of the first sentence is a bit of a misnomer. Actually, more often than not, I peddle 10 miles a night, for I’m often out on the road by 330am. And it is in the wee hours of the morning that I must often choose to pray, as well as reflect on the legacy I am leaving behind. 

I have touched a multitude of lives, as during my Christian walk, I have had the privilege of leading numerous children’s groups, preaching, teaching, and singing behind multiple pulpits, counseling literally thousands of individuals, couples and families, sharing conceptual knowledge with hundreds as a professor in university classrooms, and mentoring and training dozens of bright-eyed young interns who were preparing to undertake formal or informal ministry, and to impact their world.

And yet at this point in my life much, perhaps most, of my focus and priority is on… you. When I say “you,” I am referring to those who will come after me; my direct or indirect descendants. And I pray for you on a daily basis, though I may never know your name until hopefully we meet “on the other side.”

We stand on the shoulders of giants, and as Christians “who give a rip,” and have chosen to impact their world for good and for God, we are part and parcel of an unbroken chain of one person impacting another person stretching all the way back to one of the original disciples, and in turn to Jesus, Himself. 

I don’t want to be responsible for breaking the chain. I refuse to be responsible for breaking the chain. I desperately want to impact those whom God sets in my pathway, and I desperately want to see them impact the next generation. One link after another being added to that long and weighty chain. 

I have so often looked at those large old family photos; pictures of my GG grandfather and GG grandmother. The edges of the celluloid backing is curling now, the tint of their flesh still maintains its artificial color, their lips are tight and unsmiling, their eyes are devoid of light, and they stare blankly into space.

I have wondered if they ever thought of me, or if they took time out of their busy schedule to pray for me. Few, if any, (though to be fair, there have been a few) have bothered to leave a message behind; words which served as an entre into their lives, an understanding of who they were, what they believed, whom they loved, what they did, whom to who they practiced the fine art of impact.

Well, though by the time you read these pages I may have gone on to my reward, dear grandchildren, I can tell you I have, I do, and I will continue to pray for you; as long as I continue to breathe in and out. Though at this writing, you are “not yet a twinkle,” your existence on this earth is inevitable, and God knew the plans He had for you before He made the worlds.

So, if by chance you one day have the opportunity to gaze upon a caricature of my own features, as I have had the opportunity to look into a portrait of my ancestors’ features, never doubt that I looked forward to your appearance on this earth, cared for you, prayed for you, and loved you with an everlasting love.


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