Tuesday, May 2, 2017

RECOVERING. (A Reflection on the Recovering Addict)


When you meet a clean drug addict
You meet an overcomer.
Their mortal enemy slumbers within them:...
They can never outrun their disability.
They make their way through a world of drug abuse,
In an environment that does not understand them.
Society, puffed up with shameful ignorance,
Looks on them with contempt,
As if they were a second-class citizen
Because they dare to swim against the stream of drugs
But you must know:
No better people are made than this.

~Friedrich von Bodelschwingh 1831-1910

*I altered the last word of the 2nd sentence, above. I believe 'overcomer' is a more suitable word than 'hero.'


Addicts are often considered second-class citizens, junkies, losers and scourges in the community. While it’s true that our loved ones in active addiction are not contributing to society, it’s also true that when they find the strength to live in sobriety, they return to life with a commitment to service, to help others and to make a difference.

Today’s Promise to consider: It takes courage for someone addicted to drugs to pick himself up and to change his life. It takes strength for him to live a life of abstinence. It takes grace for him to serve others and to give back. Today, when I meet a person in recovery, I’ll tip my hat in honor of his journey.

Thank God for his love,grace,power and strength to overcome!

(Author Unknown)

I led a recovery group for two years. It was doubly difficult for me as I had never experienced addiction. As a counselor I speak about being clean AND free. Too many return to the addictive pattern.

Thankfully, some remain free.

(William McDonald, PhD)

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