Saturday, January 16, 2016

So Tired of the Monkey Show

I'm tired of the theatrical and shallow way we elect our Presidents. And this has nothing to do with Trump, but more with the media. We select the President of the strongest nation in the world like it was a TV show. The hype by the TV stations to increase audience for ad revenue is sickening. The talking heads and anchors laughing and joking as if it was the Oscars. Then the shallow questions which do not allow any substantive answer so we can determine if the candidates have a clue about dealing with the many crises that he/she will have to deal with. After the debate the talking heads tell us who won since they don't believe we have sense enough to decide. Probably the man most qualified to be President is Gov. Kasich but he is written off as a fool by the media because he does not fit their mold. At this point I have just given up on believing that this process will lead to selecting the person who will be able to save us from the past 8 years, rather we will have another president much like Obama and we do not have time for on the job training for this president. I know I cannot change the enormous impact the news media and social media have had in assuming dominance in this process. A last thought, I wonder how people think that a billionaire real estate mogul with a very liberal background will save America and make us great again. If there was even a slim chance of that I would vote for him, but I am much too old to believe in fairy tales. I close this post with a heavy heart after watching all the debates for all elections for nearly 50 years now. Of course you all have your opinions but I urge you to consider all the candidates and don't let the media decide the Presidency before the first vote is counted. That is not the American way. And that's what I'm thinking today.

Written by a distant cousin of mine, Colonel Bill Jenrette, 
U.S. Army (Retired)

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