Thursday, January 7, 2016

A Grandfather's Promise

I first met Meg when she was an adolescent. She attended my church and she sat with me awhile in counseling. I found her to be a delightful young lady, and as I recall she was a compliant and interactive client, and we got along famously.

Fast forward and “lo and behold” Meg is a social media friend of mine, (and I might say, I’m better for it). Amazing the seasons of life with which we all contend. By now, though I’m still active in the counseling ministry, I have achieved great grandfather status, (though I’m 30 if I avoid mirrors) and Meg, (whom I have not seen in a decade and a half) is married, and owns her own business.

And though she and I have been “electronic friends” for a couple or three years, we have enjoyed only sparse communication; ‘til recently. As the old year prepared to give way to the new, this pattern, or lack thereof changed. For you see, her beloved grandfather went on to his reward, and since I am the type to care and offer consolation, I contacted my friend, and “shared my heart” with her. And though, as a counselor and friend, I have “come along side” many hurting people through the years, it seemed Meg possessed an especial appreciation for my willingness to comfort and console her in the time of need.

So much so, and though we had not commensurated in many years, she confided in me, and shared something her grandfather promised her before he passed away.
His share of the dialogue that day may have sounded something like,

“Meg, of course, I know you and your dear husband want to have a baby more than almost anything in the world, and though you’ve tried to bring a precious life into the world, years have passed, and it hasn’t happened.”


“I will almost certainly leave this life before you, and when God sees fit to take me Home,

… I’m going to ask Jesus to give you a baby.”

And not long after her precious grandfather was provided the inestimable privilege of looking into the eyes of his Savior, my friend, Meg discovered

(you guessed it)

that she was… pregnant!

Almost as if her grandfather had been given a special dispensation to speak to Meg one last time, and with his inimitable smile, and a twinkle in his eye, 

he said,

“I told you I was going to talk to the Lord, and ask Him to send you a special gift. Why, it was the first thing I did after I strolled into that lovely place! You had already waited long enough.”

Granddad was as good as his word.

Meg’s mourning was turned into dancing and her tears into joy.

By William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from "(Mc)Donald's Daily Diary" Vol. 22. Copyright pending

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**If you would like to see the titles and access hundreds of my blogs from 2015, do the following:

Click on 2015 in the index on the right of this blog. Next, click on the title of the blog which appears; (my December 31st blog, "The Shot Must Choose You.") All my blog titles for 2015 will appear in the index.

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