Saturday, January 16, 2016

Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me

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There has been an ongoing dispute between the world and Iran over its unstated, but definite desire and design to create an atomic bomb. The proof is, after all, in the pudding. Our efforts at espionage, as well as interviews with defectors have paid rich dividends. The nation of Iran possessed all the trappings of a military-oriented, nuclear development program. Thousands upon thousands of centrifuges were spinning 24/7/365, and a massive amount of enriched uranium had been produced to date.

While Israel has continued to voice threats of an air strike against the multiple nuclear facilities which exist in Iran, Pres. Obama continued a slow, but deliberate verbal exchange with the intention of formulating a nuclear disarmament treaty. The treaty was signed by the “powers that be” almost a year ago. The dynamics of the treaty began to fall into place today with the IAEA certifying that Iran had taken the necessary steps to disable a large containment vessel, and the majority of its centrifuges, as well as the shipment of an impressive percentage of its enriched uranium out of the country. 

As a result, the Persians were awarded with 50 billion dollars of their own money; which had been “held in escrow” the past several years. And one perhaps unexpected, but hoped-for result, was the release of 4 American hostages; bringing a great deal of joy and solace to their family and friends in America.

And while this all seems well and good, I, for one, do not believe it is, as Paul Harvey was apt to say, 

… “The rest of the story.”

I have two qualms which “will not let me go.”

1.     Here we are negotiating a treaty with a country which claims not to be attempting to make a nuclear weapon, but rather, claims the materials it has amassed and assembled was intended for peaceful uses; such as the production of electricity.

2.     Here we are negotiating a treaty with a country which has nuclear production facilities scattered throughout the country; some underground, and not visible by any means; including spy satellites.

*If, therefore, we are to believe Iran’s oft-repeated assurances that what it has been doing for so long was intended for peaceful purposes, and this has been shown to be a lie, why should we, therefore, believe that it has been negotiating in good faith, and will not find every way possible to continue its covert program? An international partner which has been “caught in a lie” several times over the years, will certainly lie again.

*If Iran has previously hidden active nuclear manufacturing facilities throughout its borders, and it has been less than candid about the location and scope of said facilities, why should we believe every current facility dedicated to building a nuclear bomb has been declared, and that, rather, the race towards the manufacture of an atomic bomb will not continue unabated? 

If, after all, Iran intended to discontinue its pursuit of nuclear arms at a given point in time, why did it begin the process in the first place? Why not, rather, "have its cake and eat it too," as the old adage goes; by continuing a covert march towards the creation of nuclear weaponry?

I think we will live to regret our willingness to invest trust in a government which once held our embassy and dozens of our American citizens hostage for a space of 444 days, and whose stated goal is the destruction of Israel, and “death to America.”

The foregoing variables represent just a couple of the elementary basics surrounding this issue; matters which should be altogether clear and concerning for the western allies, and the so-called professionals who negotiated this deal.

But what do I know? I'm an amateur.

By William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from "(Mc)Donald's Daily Diary" Vol. 23. Copyright pending

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