Monday, January 4, 2016

Dogs in a Cage

**If you wish to see the titles and access hundreds of my blogs from 2015, do the following:

Click on 2015 in the index on the right of this blog. Next, click on the title of my December 31st blog, "The Shot Must Choose You." All my blog titles for 2015 will appear in the index.

I was scrolling down the homepage of a social media site tonight, and came across a bit of news from “down under,” (the country of Australia).

It seems an elderly man with dementia was discovered along the street, and was apparently returned to his relatives. “Mr. Harvey Harrington” has been a pet sitter for quite some time, and regularly commutes from his house to neighboring towns to feed dogs and cats for folks who have “gone on holiday.”

Well, according to the report, the obviously confused Harvey Harrington was able to recall that he had, at the moment, one subscriber to his services, that he had been feeding a couple of large dogs, that the owner was scheduled to be out of the area for several weeks or months, but

… he could not recall the owner’s name, nor the city or address in which he or she resided.

As a result, a massive door to door campaign has been launched, and 700 people have volunteered to ring doorbells throughout the general area; in hopes that someone may know how to locate the house, or perchance the sounds of barking dogs might be detected.

Otherwise, the two precious pooches Harvey has been feeding will, sadly, succumb to thirst and starvation.

I am a pet lover, and the very thought of such a predicament is revolting to my sensibilities. I simply cannot imagine.

But for all the emotions which I naturally conjure up in a circumstance such as this, the entire thing seems paradoxical to me when one contrasts such an incident with the casualness and convenience in which too many people rid themselves of unwanted pregnancies.

What’s wrong with this picture?

We do everything we can to cherish and defend the lives of our pets

… and sacrifice our children.

*Additional note - I realize the topic of abortion is a controversial topic, and I have a somewhat more liberal mindset about exceptions such as, The Life of the Mother, Deformity, Rape and Incest, but these exceptions amount to a small percentage of the 1 1/2 million abortions in America performed on a yearly basis.

Most abortions in this country today are about convenience and embarrassment and a lack of responsibility to protect one's self against unplanned pregnancy. After all, even 6th graders are familiar with "where babies come from," and how pregnancy can be prevented.

As a counselor I have interacted with hundreds of women who have had abortions, and without exception, if and when we discussed the topic regrets were verbalized, and tears immediately sprang to their eyes. I am no one's judge, but the foregoing blog expresses my view, but more importantly, (I believe) implies the biblical view on the existence of life at conception.

By William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from "(Mc)Donald's Daily Diary" Vol. 21. Copyright pending

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