Tuesday, March 19, 2019


I was watching a segment of “The Dr. Phil Show” today, and as it fell together, the broadcast took a different ‘spin’ than usual.

Normally, the good doctor involves himself with a parent and child, or husband and wife who “have a beef” with each other, and Dr. Phil ends up “getting in their faces” over this or that issue.

However, today the well-known psychologist interviewed a 15 year old young lady named Jasmine Block who had been kidnapped by three men, had been sexually assaulted on a repetitive basis for a full month, and had experienced several attempts by the ne’erdowell’s to hang and drown her! And it seems the girl fought her abusers at every turn. As an amazing “for instance,” Jasmine managed to struggle her way to the surface, again and again, during three near-drowning episodes; though all the offenders were involved in the attempt to “do her in.”

As a pastoral counselor I have “sat with” multiplied thousands of clients, and, as a result, I have almost always known exactly where Dr. Phil was “going to go” with a guest. And while I am admittedly biased, I have often thought I am a better counselor than this famous television therapist. (Of course, at this stage Dr. P. only “plays a doctor on TV,” and no longer maintains a private practice).

Pt. 2

In this case I thought Dr. Phil’s words rang steady and true, and I couldn’t have put it any better than he did.

The psychologist looked at Jasmine and said,

“Young lady, heroes aren’t made. They are born. People of character, such as yourself, are identified by the difficult circumstances which they experience in life. Trouble and trauma provoke that marvelous character within them, and allow it to shine. You fought those men tooth and nail, and came out a winner.”


“We have to do something with the events which have intruded into our lives. We have to find meaning in those experiences. If we don’t, then all the trials and trouble and trauma will be wasted.”

Dr. Phil concluded his program with,

“Jasmine, I don’t know if you will find that meaning in becoming the best wife and mother in the history of the world, or go on to teach and comfort other victims. Who can say? Perhaps you’ll find the cure for cancer!”

Like Dr. Phil, I believe this precious young lady will struggle to find that meaning, as fearlessly as she struggled against the abuse which was perpetrated against her.

by William McDonald, PhD. Copyright pending Excerpt from (Mc)Donald's Daily Diary, Vol. 90. 

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  2. Jhon mac,

    Thank you for your wonderful comments about "Dr. Phil Interviews a Hero." I don't receive much feedback and I always enjoy hearing from people who read my blogs.


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