Saturday, December 17, 2016


(Quite some time ago, I paraphrased The Book of Philippians. I include it, here, since nothing in my Christian life has allowed me to experience, and virtually know Paul, like this effort. I’m especially hopeful that the following paraphrase will enhance the spiritual lives of my descendants.)


(McDonald Paraphrase)


Paul & Timothy, Servants of Christ. To all who name Christ Jesus as Lord, who are at Philippi, with all the Bishops and Deacons.

May Grace be bestowed upon you, along with the peace only God Our Father can provide because Christ cooperated in the finished work.

Every memory of you is blessed and my thanks is continually overflowing before our Father.

Without fail, I always raise my voice to the Father on your behalf, praying with great joy.

For your fellowship in this great gospel from that very first day until now.

I am confident of this very thing, that the One who has begun this magnificent work in you will go right on doing it ‘til the day of our deliverance.

And it is only right for me to remember you with such rejoicing because you reside in my heart. For you have remembered me whether I walked among you, or whether I continued to reside in the darkness of the prison.

For God bears me witness that I have your welfare at heart and all my efforts are on your behalf.

And I pray the more earnestly that your love may increase and that your knowledge may abound to all judgment. 

That you may strive for excellence and that you be without offense, even ‘til Christ makes His appearance.

Being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are derived from Christ, unto God’s ultimate praise and glory.

For I would have you understand, my brothers, that all my glories and all my sufferings have allowed the gospel to be shed forth in a mortal life.

Therefore my chains in Christ are seen by the servants and those who have served in Caesar’s palace, and in other places. And many of those who once feared are emboldened by these chains, and speak without the slightest compulsion or anxiety. Some, indeed, preach Christ out of envy and strife, but some out of good will.

Some preach the gospel due to their jealousy of how God is using me. Other exhibit motives which follow a more righteous plane. They preach out of a heart overflowing with love for me. Again, some preach to make me jealous, believing any success will add to my sorrow in this prison.

But I am glad since Christ is preached.

And whatever happens, I will go right on being glad for your prayers, and I am convinced that good will come of this. And I live in eager expectation, and hope that my behavior will always honor God, and that my words will enhance Christ’ message, whether I live, or go on to be with Christ.

For to me, living means opportunities for Christ, and dying, well, that’s fine too.

If remaining here affords me better opportunities to win some of my brethren, then it becomes a hard choice, whether to live or go on to my reward.

Sometimes I want to go on living, and at other times I’m content to think of leaving this world behind. How much more content I would be.

But I’m sure staying will benefit you more.

And I’m convinced that I am needed here, and I’m certain that I will remain to help you mature and find joy in your faith.

Though I long to be with Christ, my staying will give you cause to glorify Our Saviour when I next see you face to face.

But in spite of what may happen to me, always live as befits a Christian, that I might hear of your unity in standing up for the Gospel, courageously and in spite of fear.

To your enemies it will remind them of their ultimate failure, but to you it will be an obvious indicator that God has bestowed eternal life on you.

For you have been presented the inestimable privilege of both trusting in Him and suffering for Him.

We fight this terrible battle together and suffer at every turn. And I wrestle our great enemy even now, as you all so well know.


If there is anything like Christian encouragement, if we share the same Spirit, if there is any sympathy flowing through your being.

Make me happy by cooperating with each other out of a heart of love, united in heart, mind and purpose.

Don’t live to impress others, but consider others better than yourselves. Consider your own affairs secondary to what seems important to others.

Your attitude should reflect that of your Master, Jesus Christ, Who though being truly God, did not cling to His prerogatives as God, but cast aside His omnipotent power and glory, and assumed the guise of a servant, becoming like men.

And He chose a pathway that ended at the cross, to die a death fit only for a criminal.

And because of His obedience, God raised Him to a place of honor and bestowed on Him a Name above all others.

That at the mere expression of His lovely Name every knee shall bow down, both in heaven and on the earth, and every single tongue shall confess the Lordship of Christ, to God be all the glory.

My dearly beloved friends, you were always very careful to follow my guidance, and now that I am no longer with you, you should be even more careful to bring forth good works, obeying the merciful Creator with awesome respect, fearing lest you offend Him in the slightest.

For He continues to work in you, inspiring you to desire to obey Him, and cooperating with you in that effort.

Flee the tendency to complain and to argue, so that not one word of blame may be laid at your doorstep.

You should live pure and innocent lives as sons of God in a corrupt world full of stubborn and perverse people. 

Let your lights shine out among them, holding out to them the Word of Life.

So that when Christ returns, my joy will know no limits, and the great worth of my work will be affirmed.

And if my lifeblood must be shed and mixed with your faith, I am willing to make that ultimate sacrifice. If I lay down my life for you, my efforts will surely be confirmed.

You should rejoice with me, even if the ultimate outcome awaits me here.

If the Lord wills it, I will shortly send Timothy to visit you. And when He returns he can cheer me with your greetings and regards. Only Timothy has stood close to me during this dark night of my soul. He will come shortly and perhaps I may follow him at some point.

Meanwhile, I believe I will send Epaphroditus back to you. We have been brothers, working side by side. Now I will send him back to you, as he has been homesick and almost died. But God shed forth mercy on him, and I know how thankful you will be to see him. Welcome him and show your appreciation; for he risked his life to the very point of death.


Whatever happens, my dear ones, rejoice in the Lord. I am never weary telling you this, and so I say it again, and again. Beware those who call you to observe tradition and peg your salvation on such things. For it isn’t outward symbolism that makes us children of God, but worshipping Him with our spirits.

The True Gospel, the only one we ought glory in, rests on the finished work of Christ, alone.

If anyone ever had reason to think his own works could save him, it would be I. I was circumcised at eight days of age, born of the stock of Benjamin. Thus I was a real Jew if ever one existed. Beyond this, I was a member of the Pharisees who require the most austere obedience to every Jewish law and tradition.

But more, I was sincere to a fault for I persecuted the church and have obeyed the last jot and tittle of the law.

But all that once seemed so valuable now seems next to worthless, and I cast my lot with Christ, alone.

For I have laid aside what this world considers precious, that I may possess Christ. For my salvation will never be sealed by my own righteousness, or by the deeds of the law, but by trusting Christ to save me. It is by Christ, alone, that we are given an entrée into the eternal kingdom.

And though it may seem paradoxical, the only way we can experience His power and blessings is to suffer and die with Him.

I do not imply that I have arrived. I am still learning, changing and maturing. But I consider the day when I finally reach the prize, the goal, the finish line.

No, my brethren, I am not all that I should be, nor what I will be, but I bring all my energies to bear on this on thing. I forget the past, and gaze with jealous eyes towards the future Christ has for me. I strain to reach the finish line, and receive the reward bestowed on those who are called “Faithful.”

I pray my words ring true with you, and if not, my God make the Truth clear to you.

I invite you to pattern your life after mine, and notice others who live to this standard. For there are many along the way who are really enemies of The Cross. They have no future beyond this life, for their god is their appetite. They are proud of what is, rather, shameful.

But our eternal home is where Christ is, and we expectantly look for His return. When He returns, He will transform our own frail bodies, and energize them to resemble His own, with the same power He will use to conquer death, and Satan’s evil principalities.


My brethren, I long to see you, for you are my reward, my trophies, for the efforts I’ve expended here. My beloved friends, remain true to Our Lord.

Let me plead with Euodias and Syntyche, please set aside your differences and quarrel no more. And my friends, please help these women, for they assisted me in sharing this great Gospel. And they worked with Clement and many others who are written in The Book of Life.

Rejoice in the Lord at all times. Let your selflessness and consideration be evident where ever you go. Do not forget that Christ is coming soon. Don’t be anxious for the future, but speak to God daily, both asking Him for assistance, and thanking Him for the answers to your needs.

If you follow this advice you will know God’s peace which is infinitely more wonderful than we could ever comprehend. And His power will abide in your mind and spirit as you depend on Him.

Fix your thoughts on what is good, and pure, and righteous.

Constantly, consider the praises you owe the Creator. Remember all those things you have heard me teach, and model to you, and God will shed His peace on you.

How grateful I am and how thankful that you are assisting me again in the defense of the Gospel. I realize you have always been anxious to help me monetarily, but it is just now that you have the opportunity.

Not that I am in need, because I have learned to manage with much, or only a little.

I am content whether full or hungry. I do everything that Christ requires through His overwhelming power at work in me. Nevertheless, I thank you for helping me in my present circumstance. As you remember, only you Philippians assisted me in my journey through Macedonia. No one else aided my efforts. Even while in Thessalonica, you helped me twice. And while your help didn’t go unnoticed, what blesses my heart is the reward that Christ is preparing for you in heaven.

At this present moment, I am overflowing with provisions, those gifts you sent by Epathroditus. These provisions are a sweet

sacrifice in God’s sight. My God continue to fulfill and supply all your needs and pour out blessings out of His abundance.

Now unto God be glory, now and forever, Amen.
I send my greetings to all the brethren there. The brothers here also greet you. The Christians in Caesar’s palace send you their love.

The grace and blessings of our Saviour be with your spirit.

(McDonald Paraphrase. Copyright 2005)

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