Wednesday, July 3, 2019

THE AROMA OF PERFUME (a.k.a. My Dearly Departed Buddy Returns)

“You preserve both men and animals, alike.” (Psalm 36:6)

I have previously written about my dearly departed pooch, Buddy, my beautiful white and tan Shih Tzu, and some posthumous occurrences of which she was the subject and focus.

In my earlier stories, I related the ‘appearance’ of my little Buddy upon my bed; within days of her passing. No, I don’t mean to imply that she was visible. But there could be no doubt she was present. There could be no mistaking her presence. For you see, after I had retired to my 50 square feet of rectangular comfort one evening, and was fading off to sleep, I sensed a weight against my right shoulder, and then…respiration.

Of course, I realize neither man, nor beast has an inherent need to breathe once her, she or it have passed from this life to the next. Upon reflection, I could only conjecture that it was the intention of the dear little creature to provide me a couple of indicators; whereby I could be sure she had returned to the location from whence she made her final journey. Subsequently, my precious pooch made her way to my lower extremities, and I sensed a fifteen pound weight against my feet; lying on her favorite pillow.

A week later, the ethereal experience literally “put on flesh.” For you see, as I was walking through my neighborhood one night, thinking about my little Buddy, I saw it, or rather I saw her. For you see, as I neared my home I looked down, and saw that precious creature, perhaps ten feet in front of me; a little white and tan Shih Tzu.

In the space of a couple of seconds the lovely little animal pitter-pattered across my pathway, and into my neighbor’s yard. And then, and then the tiny thing… seemed to evaporate into thin air.

Pt. 2

Thirteen years have come and gone since I experienced the episodes which I have just recounted for you. And for all I know, I may have ‘seen’ the last of my Buddy. However, for whatever reason, it seems my little Buddy is still revealing herself to me, as if she has a need to know, that I know she is alive and well; at least in another dimension, or time and place unfamiliar to me.

For you see, a few years ago I placed a decorative tile in a clearing in my back yard; in which Buddy would regularly stretch out and sun herself. A few months later, as I was mowing the grass, I saw a hint of blue in the distance. As I drew nearer, I realized I was looking at a small patch of wild violets. These beautiful flowers had sprung up around the tile I had left there to memorialize my precious pooch. And strangely enough, these lovely buds were nowhere else to be found; except on that spot where little Buddy used to “gather rays.”

And I am pleased to tell you that that patch of wild violets still graces the sunny space to which my little Buddy so often resorted. And as you might imagine, I purposely mow around the decorative tile, and the wild blue violets which brighten that sunny spot.

And then, then the other night, as I prepared to lay down, I stepped into my bedroom, and… a flood of the loveliest scent I think I have ever experienced startled my nostrils. And immediately, I knew. I just knew. (Did I mention my bed is just feet away from the place to which my little Buddy would so often resort, and where those beautiful blue blossoms continue to flourish)?

I cannot account for Buddy’s apparent need to reveal herself to me on a sporadic basis. (However, I’m glad she has apparently chosen to do so). And whereas some have mused that both men and animals, alike, having passed from this life, have earned a well-deserved rest… I like to think she will continue her infrequent visits.

Something tells me I haven’t seen the last of my dear little Buddy.

by William McDonald, PhD. Copyright pending. 2019
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