Sunday, July 14, 2019


I read recently that we are all older than we realize. (Yeah, we are).
For you see, if the theory is correct, each every one of us...were present in our grandmother’s womb. That is to say that when our maternal grandmother was about twenty weeks pregnant with our mothers, all the eggs our mother would ever have, (and they numbered in the millions) were already present in her own womb. I know. It’s a bit hard to grasp. A womb within a womb. (Kinda like Russian stacking dolls).
Even as a PhD, I never have been very good at math. (I mean, I have no use whatsoever for algebra or trigonometry). But if my simplistic computations are correct, the foregoing theory just increased my apparent age from 70 to a bit short of 100.

(Interestingly enough, I was actually conceived in 1948; the year that modern Israel became a state). But be that as it may, it was quite a revelation to discover that some semblance of who I am has been here decades longer than I formerly realized, and that my mother carried me around with her, 'til I was put into the proverbial microwave, and that fertilized egg metamorphosed into that dry-humored, semi-literate, snappy-dressing, guy-chewing, wonderful fella I am today.

But I am pretty old guy. (I guess what I have been saying about being "older than dirt" is really true).

(to be continued)

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