Sunday, September 10, 2017


Pt. 2

So inestimably sad. So inestimably unacceptable. And yet it happens more often than anyone might imagine.

It happened to me.

And without going into detail, not so long ago someone near and dear to me, a non-family member, but loved as much, made the same pronouncement, and stepped away; never to return. In my entire lifetime of almost seven decades, I have been exposed to three experiences which rank highest on the deepest and longest lasting emotion scale (DLLES); my acronym. And among the top three are my divorce, my daughter’s mental illness and this experience to which I have just alluded; not necessarily in the foregoing order.

Will you also go away?

I am convinced that there is little or nothing which impacts a soul as much as betrayal. And I think the length and width and depth of it is multiplied when the recipient of it…refuses to forgive.

Bill Pearce alluded to the importance of forgiveness, and it seems apparent that he discovered a way to forgive his son; as I also have learned to practice forgiveness towards the individual who stepped away from the relationship which we both once held near and dear.

As a counselor, I have developed a teaching, but oddly enough, I have never heard the concept taught behind a pulpit; (or for that matter, read in a book, or shared over lunch somewhere.)

The teaching I have in mind relates to the topic of Forgiveness.

by William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from (Mc)Donald's Daily Diary. Vol. 43. Copyright pending

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