Friday, September 22, 2017


(Read Pt. 1 prior to reading Pt. 2)

Did I mention that Bartow is an idyllic place? (Well, it is). Did I mention it has retained its hometown flavor, though almost three quarters of a century have come and gone since my family moved there? (Well, it has).

In the week and a half since that nasty ole storm marched through our fair portion of the world, Bartow has hosted a small minority of the ‘Electric Troops’ which have inundated Florida. The city has allowed them to use the civic center as their headquarters, and it seems the majority of the linemen ‘come out of’ the Raleigh, North Carolina service area.

To say the good people of Bartow have been kind and compassionate towards its professional guests would be like saying that Jesse Owens was a pretty fair runner. Bartowans have, to put it mildly, ‘fallen all over themselves’ to treat the linemen well.

I mean, these men and women are provided ‘three hot’s’ a day in the civic center dining room, there is enough bottled water in the corner of the room to sink a battle ship, they sleep on cots in another area of the air conditioned building, and (drum roll) the local women folk wash their dirty clothing. (For all I know, they are allowed to swim in the civic center pool when they return from their daily duties).

I have read the articles, seen the photographs, and watched a couple of the interviews hosted by a couple of Tampa TV stations.

I thought my accent was ‘thick.’ I mean, I have been accused by my students and clients of having originated in Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Mississippi, and even Texas. However, the ‘tilt’ of the words coming out of the linesmen’s mouths makes me sound like I was born in the Midwest.

(to be continued)

by William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from (Mc)Donald's Daily Diary. Vol. 70. Copyright pending

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