Tuesday, June 20, 2017


      Once upon a time in a mythological little town called “Duckville” lived hundreds of ducks of all breeds and colors.
      And everywhere they went they waddled. They waddled here, they waddled there. Everywhere they went they waddled. And on Sunday, the ducks of Duckville waddled to the Duck Church and listened to the Duck Preacher as he preached his Duck Sermon. And things went pretty much the same predictable way every Sunday. And thus, when the Duck Preacher finished his Duck Sermon and they had sung a closing hymn, the ducks of the Duckville Church waddled out the door.


      one Sunday the Duck Preacher stepped into the Duck Pulpit, and began to ‘wax eloquent,’ and presented a concept to which the Duck Congregation had never yet been exposed.

      “Fellow Ducks, you were never meant to waddle, you were meant to fly! Over hill, over dale, over mountains, over meadows, over cities. You were never meant to waddle, you were meant to fly!”

      And the longer the Duck Preacher preached, the louder and more excited he became. And the louder and more excited he became, the more the Duck Congregation seemed enthralled by this new concept.

      And with each tick of the balcony clock, and with each word that proceeded from the Duck Preacher’s beak, the louder the Ducks of the Duckville Church echoed his shout, and stomped their feet, and clapped their, well, wings. And some lost all sense of where they were, and surrendered their righteous decorum, and began to flutter from pew to pew, and a couple admittedly brave fowls, (dare I say it) swung from the chandeliers!

      Ultimately, the Duck Preacher reached the end of his prepared remarks, and reminded the Duck Congregation one final time,
      “Remember, my fellow Ducks, you were never meant to waddle, you were meant to fly!!!”

      And thus, the time of fellowship, worship, and teaching came to a conclusion, and the Duck Choral Director led the Ducks of the Duckville Church in a closing hymn, and dismissed them to return to their separate homes.

      And with this, the assembled throng of assorted ducks rose from their pews, and

      …waddled out the door.

      (An old tale retold by yours truly)

      William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from (Mc)Donald's Daily Diary, Vol. 60. Copyright Pending.

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      Due to a design flaw on this blogsite, if you would like to see the titles and access hundreds of my blogs from 2015 & 2016, you will need to do the following:

      Click on 2015 in the index to the right of this blog. When my December 31st blog, "The Shot Must Choose You" appears, click on the title. All my 2015 blogs will come up in the right margin.

      Click on 2016 in the index to the right of this blog. When my December 31st blog, "Children of a Lesser God" appears, click on the title. All my 2016 blogs will come up in the right margin.

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