Monday, October 24, 2016


“Jesus asked the Twelve, “Will you also go away?” (John 6:68)


Until a few minutes ago I had no idea what the term implied, other than the possibility of being haunted by some Casper-like phantom; (and at 2/3 of a century, I’m too old and too literate not to have run across the word, or a definition thereof). I mean, I’m almost old enough to be one; (i.e., a ghost).

Why, only a few minutes ago I ran across the term, ‘ghosting’ on a friend’s social media site. And having chanced upon the word, scouring the internet for its definition proved to be one of those epiphany moments.

GHOSTING - “To break off a valued and established relationship; without so much as a word or a reason, and with little apparent concern for he or she whom one has chosen to dispatch.”
(McDonald Paraphase)

To be sure the inherent meaning of the (presumably) 21st century word implies the existence of a relationship between a couple who have formed an exclusive bond with one another, (but which might include a the relationship between a father or mother and their offspring, the kind of relationship two intimate friends establish with one another, or an especially close relationship between a mentor and he or she whom he mentors).

And to be sure, the definition of the word makes some allowance for notifying one’s ‘opposite’ of one’s decision to cease and desist. However, a proper understanding of the word precludes offering the ‘victim’ any understanding or clarification for having made the decision to ‘step away.’

Off and on through the years I have been bothered by an ancient memory of having ‘ghosted’ a particular individual in my own life. Twice. And this was decades before this particular activity clothed itself in the most recent terminology. (‘Til now I have referred to this kind of behavior using sophisticated phrases such as, ‘Kicking Them to the Curb’ (or) ‘Dropping Them on Their Butt’). 

They say ‘what goes around comes around’ and there can be little doubt that this old adage is accurate since in recent years it seems a number of the ‘near and dear’ in my own life have ghosted me. Most without notice, nor subsequent explanation, though a few with notice, but lacking the courtesy of any clarification. 

I am almost prone to say that we live in an Age of Ghosting, (though perhaps with a slight tweak). I mean, you send a relative or friend a birthday, graduation or Christmas present, and he or she fails to acknowledge the receipt of it; (which leaves the sender feeling rather confused, empty and unappreciated). I suppose the same folks who consider this sort of non-response kosher are the same folks who consider dispatching a relationship without notice or clarification appropriate.

Jesus understood The Principle and Power of Ghosting. (I bet you never ran across a sermon bearing that title). There was a time in His own life when He was ‘put away’ without apparent notice nor clarification. He had exercised great love and care towards His followers, including dozens of people who made up what might be referred to as His ‘outer circle.’

It was after Christ uttered a particularly provocative statement, and which many of His followers failed to grasp, that He experienced a ‘falling away.’ And it was at this point in the God-man’s life that we witness one of the most profound evidences of His humanity. Jesus was struck to the core. For I think prior to the excruciation and humiliation of the cross, it was at this point in His ministry that He experienced the greatest emotional pain to which He would ever be exposed.

A friend of mine put it very well,

“I have learned all about ghosting which is really neat…said no one ever.”

Perhaps ‘Ralph’ was alluding to His own personal experience. I think He was.

(to be continued)

 By William McDonald, PhD. From (Mc)Donald's Daily Diary. Vol. 44. Copyright pending

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