Saturday, September 24, 2016

59299 & My True Confessions. Pt. 2

(Or Everything Wrong I Ever Did at UPS, and Can No Longer Get in Trouble for)

Christmas at UPS was the ‘funnest’ time of the year. (Not).
Our workload doubled. And it wasn’t unusual to find one’s self with a couple dozen remaining delivery packages as midnight approached. Did I mention that midnight was our curfew? Did I mention our boss took a dim view of a driver bringing back more than one or two undelivered parcels? (Well, he did).

One evening in December, as ‘the bewitching hour’ approached, I pulled up to my next delivery stop, slung open the bulkhead door and cast my eyes upon a couple dozen undelivered packages on the 4th shelf, bottom. As ‘Mrs. Fairfax’ of the volume and movie, “Jane Eyre” was heard to say,

“What to do? What to do?”

Since my home was situated on my delivery route, I often dropped by for lunch. This time around I dropped by for a different reason. Backing my UPS truck up to my garage, I lifted the heavy door and unloaded my remaining packages onto the concrete floor. I summarily entered the number and affiliated address of each of the packages on my delivery pad with the notation each had been left at the front or side door. Did I mention what I’d just accomplished was contrary to everything holy? Well, it was. (At least, when it came to the UPS bible). 

Having returned home that evening my wife and I loaded the offending packages into the back seat and trunk of our car, and (you guessed it) navigated the remaining several streets of a nearby mobile home park; tip-toeing my inanimate darlings to 4537 Redwood and 4657 Oakwood, etc. etc. etc., until every last package had been delivered.

And then there were the dogs.

Closer to the beginning, than the ending of my tenure, my route included both businesses and residences in one quadrant of a small city. And several times a month my deliveries included street numbers on 5th Street, SE. I can tell you that 5th Street, SE was very much like any other street in “Winter Haven,” (the location of the famous, “Cypress Gardens,”) with one exception,

… a pesky, non-descript dog which chased my truck every time I rolled past the house, (or more succinctly, the yard) in which he resided.

And I can tell you, I wearied of my frequent confrontation with the little mongrel. To my credit, however, I did not run the beast into the ground, as a truck driver once did my own dog. Nevertheless, I formulated a plan of attack.

There just happened to be a 7-11 located near the infamous site of my all-too frequent encounters with “Rover.” And on a particular day when I was scheduled to deliver a couple of packages “on the street where he lived” I pulled into the parking lot of that convenience store, hopped down the steps of my vehicle, walked into the door, stepped up to the beverage machine, pulled a “Big Gulp” cup from the holder, placed it under the ice dispenser, and finally, filled it to the brim with syrupy, brown Coca-Cola.

Returning to my truck, I hopped back up the steps from whence I came, sat down, buckled my seat belt, started the engine, and aimed my truck towards my next destination. I suppose if I’d given my mission a code name, it might well have been

… Destination Dog

As I approached my little friend’s grassy hangout, I saw him rush into the road, and suddenly he was “neck and neck” with the front tire of my truck. However, unlike dozens of those previous animate/inanimate races which had transpired in the past, this time, rather than applying the gas, I applied the brake, turned off the ignition, grabbed the Big Gulp, rushed down the steps, chased down old Rover, and

… poured that nice, brown, syrupy mess all over the poor pooch!

And never so much as looking back, I retraced my path to the truck, hopped up the steps, mounted the driver’s seat, strapped the seat belt around me, turned on the ignition, and drove away; leaving the hapless critter “to his own devices.”

Needless to say, dear readers, old Rover never chased # 59299 again.

And I think I know why!

(To be continued)

    By William McDonald, PhD. From (Mc)Donald's Daily Diary. Vol. 43. Copyright pending

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