Friday, December 29, 2017

THE DAY & THE HOUR. Pts. 1-3

Pt. 1

A few years ago, my wife and I visited a local church we’d once attended. It was a memorable visit to say the least.

For you see, during ‘Pastor Richards’ sermon he suddenly alluded to a certain Christian scholar.

“My friends, a notable religious figure, Dr. __________, (and he named a name) recently predicted that Jesus would return for his saints next month (October). I can tell you he has based this prediction on some pretty intense research.” (And the good minister went on to substantiate Dr. So n’ So’s claim with several facts and figures).

Of course, it could have gone either way at this point, but I expected the preacher to nay say the eminent modern-day prophet.

However, that is not what he did.

Rev. Richards continued.

“My dear parishioners, I am here today to tell you…that I believe him. We need to get ready, and we need to get ready now! Tell your friends and enemies. Based on the data I have seen, and just provided to you, Jesus will split the clouds wide open, and will translate believers into heaven; not a century from now, not even a decade, nor next year, …but next month!”

Well, you could have fooled me.

Of course, as a seasoned believer of half a century, I immediately thought of our Lord’s admonition that,

“…About that day or hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Matthew 24:36)

Pt. 2

While I was sure that Pastor Richards’ claim defied everything that Christ and His apostles said to the contrary, I don’t mind telling you that over the next few weeks I was a bit anxious about the preacher’s message, and I examined the scriptures, and my very soul to “see if these things be true,” and whether I was altogether ready to stand before the King of kings, and Lord of lords.

Only minutes ago, I was looking at a video of the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights. I cannot but see film footage of this phenomenon without sensing abject wonder at the awesome power of the Creator of all that was, is, and ever will be.

Which brings me to an interesting experience from the last decade of the last century.

A relative of mine, (actual name withheld) was visiting from out of state, and, for whatever reason, several family members were standing in my front yard in the early evening.

Suddenly, “Michael” looked up into the heavens, and he saw it.

For right there, “in front of God and everybody” we beheld the Aurora Borealis; or at least some semblance of it. A bit of green. A bit of red. Swirling in the sky.

Well, I can tell you Michael’s demeanor immediately changed from “fun, flippancy and frivolity” to “I don’t especially like what’s going on here, and I’d honestly rather be anywhere I’m currently not.”

To be sure, my relative’s sense of unease was understandable. Did I mention I live in central Florida? (Well, I do). And we just don’t experience the Aurora Borealis in this neck of the woods.

I never asked Michael about that night. I didn’t want to embarrass him. And it was, after all, just so obvious.

It had to be a sign. A precursor to the Rapture of the Church. God had decided to issue a warning to anyone, and everyone who happened to be looking up at the Florida sky that night.

Pt. 3

I was watching the news the next day, and Brian Williams, or Katie Kurick, or one of those over-paid “talking heads” reported that NASA had conducted a high altitude test the previous evening. It seems some type of chemical had been released into the upper atmosphere over Virginia. I surmised that the artificial Aurora which we witnessed was a direct result of this experiment.

I admit it. I’m not politically correct, (and neither was the Savior). I mean, He said it, and I believe what He said in John Chapter 14.

“I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life. No man can come to the Father, except through Me.”

I believe that the best of all proofs that Jesus is Lord, God and Messiah is the fulfillment of hundreds of Old Testament scriptures; during and subsequent to the New Testament. Why, I have a chart, (which is widely available on the internet) which lists 365 Old Testament scriptures, (one for each day of the year) and the corresponding scriptures in which they are fulfilled in the New Testament.

But to reflect on my previous account. Our Lord said that,

“No man knows the hour or the day in which the Son of Man will reappear.”

I suppose believers, and unbelievers, alike have been predicting the return of our Lord Jesus Christ since He ascended into heaven two Millenia ago.

Since I have put my faith in the Christ, and His promise to return, I can’t help but believe He will come again. But in spite of that local preacher’s prediction, (and that of his mentor) both he and I are still here, as well as every other believer who heard his words that day; (unless God has taken them home the natural route).

As surely as God saw fit to fulfill multiplied dozens of prophetic scriptures in Christ Jesus, I have every reason to believe He will keep His promise to return for His bride, the Church.

But just not yet.

(Mc)Donald's Daily Diary. Vol. 75. By William McDonald, PhD. Copyright pending.

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