Thursday, December 21, 2017

JUMP IN MY WHEELBARROW (A True Story of a Tight Rope Walker & Niagara Falls)

    Too many of us are “fair-weather Christians.” Oh, we talk pretty good talk, but our walk falls far short of our words.

     A hundred years ago, a famous tight-rope walker was known for his numerous trips across Niagara Falls. Thousands flocked to the falls to watch their hero conquer that great wonder of the world.

    Men, women, boys and girls gazed in awe as the man maneuvered the tight rope; hundreds of feet separating him from the other side. Women passed out and had to be revived. Even strong men hid their eyes when wafts of wind threatened to topple the figure from the taut rope.

    More than once the courageous daredevil put a particular question to the crowd. (And more than once the result was the same.)

    “How many of you believe that I can push a wheelbarrow across the falls?” And of course, most of the crowd nodded affirmatively, and applauded with glee.

     And at this point our hero upped the ante. “How many of you believe that I could put a person in that wheelbarrow and push him across the falls?” This didn’t deter the crowd’s enthusiasm, as they screamed aloud… “Yes, Yes. We know you can!”

     Then he posed a final question to one young man who seemed the most enthusiastic of them all. “Sir, are you convinced I can do it?” And this time a lone voice echoed softly in the still air. “Well, yes. I believe you can.”

     The tight-rope walker smiled, and his challenge seemed to shake the man to his core. “Then hop in.” He waited for a response. The response was immediate.

     The man who seemed so sure, so calm, so stalwart in his belief that the feat could be accomplished… quickly disappeared in the crowd.

    Now I honestly don’t recall whether that daredevil ever had any “takers,” in all the time he fearlessly walked across the falls. But if so, I expect they were few in number.

     The fearless man always reached the other side successfully. And he lived to a good old age, and died a natural death.

     There’s a scripture that, though quoted as much as any other except John 3:16, is always fresh, always poignant, always challenging.

     “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1, KJV)

     And I think this scripture is so reminiscent of the ancient challenge of that tight-rope walker. For our Lord calls us to “get into His wheelbarrow” and take that life-long journey “across the falls” that we call “life.”

     Too many of us are content to stand on the brink, too transfixed by the threatening chasm to even contemplate getting into the wheelbarrow. Though He calls out again and again, and assures us of His power to overcome nature itself, we politely nod, and quickly look away from those piercing eyes of His.

     For here is One that did the daredevil one better. Christ walked on the water. And he spoke the most reassuring words His disciples could ever have hoped to hear, as they languished on that sea that day.

    “Be not afraid. It is I.” (John 6:20, KJV)

    There will always be those stand on the edge, and speak courageous words. They may even urge us to get in “the wheelbarrow.” But their very lives are testaments of futility, fear and failure.

    I won’t live that way. And though fear permeates my very being, I will get into God’s wheelbarrow, again and again. And I will allow Him to push me across the deepest chasms and the most threatening falls…since He is incapable of falling, and He will also protect me from falling.

By William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from "Musings", Copyright 2005

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