Monday, December 11, 2017


The last of the Losers (with a capital ‘L’). At least this is what our illustrious president calls them.


It sounds like a disease, as in,

“I’m sorry ma'am, but you have ISIS.” And, come to think of it, I guess it is pretty much a disease.

A disease which has turned into a pandemic, and along with several other terror organizations, has threatened the health and wellbeing of our world.

A couple years ago, I wrote a prophetic blog of sorts which was more gloom than doom, but which prophesied the likelihood of ISIS gaining ground and threatening countries such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iran and Israel; (given the majority of the Mideast countries don’t seem to have taken the threat very seriously). For whatever reason, outside of the intervention of western nations, only Iraq and Syria seem to have ‘gotten off their bowhunkers, and done much about ISIS, and their notion of a caliphate. And until recently, the million strong Army of Iraq has preferred to run, rather than fight the comparatively weak, 50,000 man military force which ISIS has been able to field.

And then it all changed, and my prophecy seems to have fallen a bit flat.

Since in the past year, the Iraqi Army has given ISIS a ‘butt whoopin,’ and things have begun to turn around. And the Kurds. We can’t forget the Kurds. They have done their own share of kicking arse. Why, they have even fielded fierce and determined women against the enemy with rather impressive results.

Interestingly enough, ISIS has taught their adherents that if they’re gonna die in battle, they had better die at the hands of another man; for if a ‘female bullet’ strikes them dead, they simply will be denied the privilege of living with seven celestial virgins.


Only today another improperly trained, poorly prepared terrorist wannabe set off a bomb in Manhattan. At least, he tried to. However, whatever he did, or didn’t do didn’t quite go as planned, and he managed to blow himself up. While he’s still alive, (other than a few cases of ringing eardrums) it seems he is the only casualty of his stupidity. The Chief of Police called him a 'Bonehead.' (I have to agree).

Very much like Hitler’s concept of a thousand year reich, the caliphate of ISIS seems to have been more bark than bite, and has gone the way of the former. In spite of their inability to take and hold broad expanses of land, and dominate the peoples in the regions which they once controlled, I think, for the foreseeable future, we are likely to experience a myriad of these non-911 style terrorist attacks.
*A few hours after I wrote this blog Brian Williams showed a video segment of the actual explosion of the terrorist wannabe. You see a bright flash, and smoke, and when the smoke clears only the knucklehead who intended to blow himself up is lying there on the asphalt; alive, but the worse for wear. I could not help but laugh out loud.

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