Friday, October 20, 2017


Kathryn Kuhlman

I was still serving in the Air Force, and stationed at MacDill Air Force Base when we attended a one night evangelical meeting; in which Kathryn Kuhlman was the featured speaker.

As with the previous evangelist, I have little or no particular memory of her message that evening. I vividly remember the flamboyant, sweeping gown which she wore, and her distinctive voice.

You can still ‘pull up’ several videos on Youtube. Rev. Kuhlman was known as a healing evangelist and there were hundreds of reports of her wherewithal to be used of the Lord in this manner. And as I have implied, she was possessed of an unusual voice; something akin to Eleanor Roosevelt or Katherine Hepburn, I think. They refer to it as a Mid-Atlantic accent, rather like a mix of our American Northeast, and that of the English gentry.

Too many nationally known pastors and evangelists have “been found out” along the way having given sway to strong temptation, and taken corresponding actions; to bring disrepute on the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. It was only yesterday, as I was perusing the internet, that I discovered that Kathryn Kuhlman was no exception to the rule. It seems she became involved with a married evangelist, which culminated in his divorce, and subsequent marriage to Miss Kuhlman.

To be sure, while such behavior is inexcusable, it is forgivable, and nothing I will ever write has the capacity to add, subtract, or change what God has to say on the subject. Whether, after a significant moral failure, a religious figure has any business continuing in a notable ministry, is another consideration altogether.

Nonetheless, I like to think Rev. Kuhlman exercised a profound impact on the multitudes, and that, as a result, untold thousands were healed, and brought to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

*To be continued

by William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from (Mc)Donald's Daily Diary, Vol. 71. Copyright Pending.

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