Friday, October 20, 2017


Richard Dortch

After his release from prison, Richard Dortch (re. the Jim Bakker-PTL fiasco) up residence in, and established his television ministry on the west coast of Florida; about 50 miles from my own “neck of the woods.” And given the good minister’s proximity, it was not altogether improbable that my wife and I momentarily happened to be in the same place at the same time as he.

Jean and I occasionally frequented a steak house in Winter Haven; (the former home of the world famous, “Cypress Gardens”). And on one particular day, in the early to mid 90’s, we decided to frequent it again. Walking in, we moved through the serving line, and finding a table we sat down. Suddenly, I happened to look to my right, and immediately recognized a familiar figure; sitting alone at a table within feet of our own.

Rev. Dortch seemed lost in thought, and almost oblivious to his surroundings. He ate slowly, and it seemed he stared straight ahead; allowing me to observe him as much, and as long, as I so chose. He seemed so ‘real’ in person, and though an historical notable of our time, there was little or nothing about his presence which impressed me.

The television makeup was missing, and his hair seemed grayer than I remembered. Wrinkles lined his forehead. And while it never occurred to me at the time, I have since surmised that if I “had it to do over again” I might have stepped over to his table, introduced myself, and asked him to join us for lunch.

Rev. Richard Dortch left us in 2011; just prior to his 80th birthday. There can be little doubt that the good he accomplished in his lifetime outweighs his momentary indiscretions. And while, (as I believe) at the end he possessed a sterling character, his reputation will be forever sullied, (as will that of his associate, Jim Bakker); as the result of their tenure at that infamous broadcast ministry.

A good man who, (unlike an associate of the Rev. Jimmy Swaggart, who refused to compromise, but challenged the immoral and unacceptable) made some very bad choices, and paid dearly for his momentary lapse in character. A man when faced with the decision to stand for the right, or fall for anything…fell for anything.

A man who, when given the choice to choose well…did not. A man who, when presented with the decision to submit to the authority of almighty God,… bowed down to the gods of arrogance, compromise and financial gain.

*To be continued

by William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from (Mc)Donald's Daily Diary, Vol. 71. Copyright Pending.

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