Tuesday, April 5, 2016

God's Siren Call

You remember the Iliad and the Odyssey. And you remember the myth related to the sailors who sailed past this particular island, and the island was populated with Sirens; (beautiful, half-clad women who sang melodious songs on the cliffs.) And you may remember that the sailors wanted these women so badly that they crashed their ships against the rocks and died. For these Sirens hated men.

The myth goes on to relate how Odysseus, the hero, sailed past the island on purpose, and how that he had his men put wax in their ears, while he was tied to the mast and had the privilege of listening to the melodious songs, as his ship sailed safety by the island.

Well, here's the moral of the story, as told by Dr. Bill.

While that story is rather negative, the rest of this story is very positive. For God also has a Siren Song. And in terms of problem-solving and a particular problem you have, (discovering God's Will) God's Siren Song is perhaps the best clue possible to discovering His will for your lives.

For I think that He will continue to woo you and beckon you and beat His drum in your spirit, until you follow through with what He has for you to do. And I believe you'll know His voice and His Siren Song.

(from an online article I wrote to a university class I once taught - William McDonald, PhD)

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