Friday, April 20, 2018


“Way back when,” when I was young, (yes, I was young at one time), I committed a sacrilege. I took a life. Well, alright, multiple sacrileges and multiple lives.

However, before you call the Polk County Sheriff’s Office, I hasten to add that it was not human lives which I vanquished from the earth. Au Contraire.

No, I regret to say that with the assistance of my trusty BB gun, I am responsible for the deaths of several mourning doves, one squirrel, and one rabbit.

Oh, the humanity! (I mean fauna).

I honestly didn’t think anything of it at the time, but it is amazing the real (or perceived) feelings of guilt which overwhelmed me yesterday, as I reflected on those regrettable circumstances. (To be fair, I always devoured the creatures which died at the muzzle of my BB gun).

I know by now all you avid hunters out there are laughing your arses off. And in between your hee’s and haw’s, you’re saying, “Give me a break!” (or) “You gotta be kidding me!” (or) “What a fool!”

I’ve just never possessed the desire or propensity to wipe out anything bigger than a rabbit; (and only then, as an adolescent). And, I guess I never will; (unless the human race is inundated by a zombie apocalypse).

However, I think I must be doing penance in my old age, as if I am somehow making it up to all of God’s four-footed creatures. (Not unlike Captain Eddie Rickenbacker in a previous story, I suppose).

For you see, in my sunset years I have rescued a couple of vagabond dogs, and a stray cat, and provided them homes in which to live, and move and have their being.

And in my quest to satisfy the requirements of the (animal) law, I have gone out of my way to quench the thirst of the homeless canines, and felines, and squirrels and rabbits and mourning doves among us.

Why, just yesterday I watched, enthralled, as a visiting squirrel pitter-pattered his way across my flower garden, and jumped up on my little ornamental pool, and bent his head to drink; not once, but again, (and yet again).

I’m beginning to feel better, thank you.

By William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from "(Mc)Donald's Daily Diary" Vol. 81. Copyright pending

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