Monday, January 1, 2018


Last night I dreamed one of the strangest dreams I’ve ever dreamed.

It seems I was standing in a dining room occupied by one person, and that individual was sitting at a table with a large napkin tucked up around his neck.

The diner was none other than President Trump.

At I watched, a waiter stepped up with a bottle of gravy, and summarily poured it on what appeared to be several sausages; which resided on the Commander in Chief’s plate.

Well, our fearless leader was obviously not content with the amount of the hot, dark liquid which covered the meat, and said so. As a result, the waiter poured the remainder of the bottle on the sausage.

My initial thought was,

“How absolutely selfish. Someone else might have enjoyed having some of that gravy.”

And then it was apparently my turn. For I found myself in the uniform of a waiter, and as I approached the table, President Trump shouted,

“Waiter! I need more gravy, and I need it now!”

And with this, I realized I was carrying a duplicate bottle of gravy, and, as you might expect, I immediately complied with the Chief Executive’s order. As I poured the gravy from the bottle, I noticed that most of the sausages in the plate had already been devoured; save for a couple of small pieces. Having poured the majority of the heavy liquid onto the meat, President Trump registered a complaint.

“Whoa, man! I can barely see my sausage. You have inundated it!”

Pt. 2

I have pondered the potential meaning of my unusual dream, and pondering it again tonight a scripture came to me.

“How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ while there is still a beam in your own eye? You hypocrite! First take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” (Matthew 7:4-5)

While I didn’t vote for President Trump, (nor his major opponent) I wish the president well. At the same time, I have noticed many troublesome, negative, and downright scary aspects of the man; his tweets, and ad-lib comments to “the fake press,” his friends, enemies, and anyone who will listen coming in near the top of the list.

Over the past several years, I have fancied myself an interpreter of dreams, and feel I fall at least among the better of the best among the amateur rolls.

But to return to the scripture, and resulting interpretation of the dream.

“While there is still a beam in your own eye.”

The president and waiter in which the meat is saturated with gravy speaks to our illustrious leader’s tendency to cover up, hide and deny his own significant faults; including such examples are his complicity with the Russian government, the Access Hollywood video, and charges by numerous women that he sexually harassed them.

“You will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”

The president and yours truly in which I pour a copious amount of gravy on a very small amount of meat, and DT’s admonition that I am inundating his food represents the man’s tendency to look for the speck in his brother’s eye, (but before pulling the beam out of his own eye) including such examples as, his criticism of the news media for merely reporting the facts, his charge that Meryl Streep is a lousy actress simply because she first made a remark about him, and his silly tweet in which he plays a game of “tit for tat,” and refers to the dictator of North Korea as “short and fat;” (after said leader referred to him as an “old lunatic”).
*I will leave the complete interpretation of this dream for another time, (for there is more) but it is a rather anxious thing for me to believe that I could do a much better job as President of the United States than the individual currently in power; (and I have no experience in such a prestigious role, whatsoever).

What seems especially troubling is DT's control of the "nuclear button" and his continuing threat to use it, his dismissal of the free press, his ongoing paranoia regarding persons who disagree with him, his criticism of members of his own cabinet and Republican congress members, and his having spent a third of his days in office playing golf; whereas he criticized President Obama for doing the same.

There are some who characterize Pres. Trump as a Christian, but his words and actions don't bear it out. At times, his words and actions are erratic and "beyond the pale" causing one to question his psychological stability.

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