Saturday, November 25, 2017


(Originally written in 2016)
A decade ago God entrusted me with what, in the scheme of things, was a temporary role at my collegiate alma mater, but an opportunity, position, and privilege which had an indelible impact on my life. In the late 60’s, I attended a school which was, at the time, known as ‘Southeastern Bible College.’ A full four decades later I was given the wherewithal to assume a teaching position at the same school; now known as, ‘Southeastern University.’ I say ‘given’ since I had neither contemplated it, nor sought it.

During my short tenure of 3 years, I taught Educational Psychology on a part-time basis, and averaged 60-90 students between the 2-3 classes I was assigned each semester. As I recall, during that little season, I ‘set up shop’ in six different classrooms, and confess to enjoying every minute of it. (Odd, suddenly I’m feeling very emotional about it all).

Some students remain more memorable than others, and (perhaps thanks to having befriended many on a social media site) I have no trouble remembering their names and faces.

And one in particular

As I looked out over my late 2006 (or possibly early 2007) classroom, Jaci sat to my right. 2nd row. Third seat. She was a lively, blonde young lady and a pleasure to have in my classroom. Little could I have known, however, how fate would deal its hand, and how Providence would weave our destinies together. For you see, one day Jaci was seated in her dorm room, came across a joke and decided to forward it to one of her friends. With this, my good student selected a name for the ‘to’ line, pasted the joke to the body of the email, aimed the cursor towards the ‘send’ icon, and clicked the mouse. And no sooner than she’d clicked that little inanimate piece of plastic named after a very animate little creature, she gasped. In a matter of milliseconds Jaci realized she’d forwarded the joke to… yours truly. (It may be that the ‘victim of choice’ possessed a surname which, like my own, begins with the letter, ‘M’).

As a result of her mistake, I understand my dear pupil was reticent to appear in my next scheduled class, and expected her professor to express some level of public disapproval with her vain hilarity. Jaci has reminded me that I had, indeed, mentioned the scenario, minus her identifying moniker, but rather than expressing criticism, I shared the joke and, subsequently, emitted a bit of involuntary laughter.

No doubt, as my students filed out of the room that day, I asked to speak with Jaci. And no doubt, at that time she expressed a halting apology, and made me aware, as I expressed earlier, that the original attempt at humor had been misdirected. And no doubt, I expressed to Jaclyn how much I’d enjoyed the little joke, and hoped she’d continue to share such sundry bits of humor with me.

Jaci spent only two semesters at Southeastern, and I don’t recall seeing her after my class concluded. However, as the result of my standing invitation to share humorous tidbits with me, my former student affixed my name to a myriad of ‘to’ lines, and clicked that proverbial mouse; again and again. (And I, in turn, responded in kind).

And ‘somewhere along the line’ I began referring to my former pupil as, “My Ha-Ha Buddy.” And as ‘time ran along’ Jaci and I developed a closer than average long distance rapport, and she began referring to me as, ‘Dad.’ And I responded with a perfectly symmetrical word, ‘Daughter.’

As I write these words my God-daughter, her husband and two children are visiting with us from Missouri. Well, to be fair the last two words in the previous sentence are more descriptive than you might think. Jaclyn and Travis are on their way ‘from’ Missouri ‘to’ Oklahoma; with a pit stop in my home state of Florida.

They say when your female offspring marries, you lose a daughter and gain a son. Well, as the result of that providential click of an inanimate mouse, I gained a daughter, and ultimately, a son-in-law, a granddaughter and a grandson!

And I am happy to inform you this is no ‘run of the mill,’ content to ‘just get by’ sorta couple. For you see, my God son-in-law, having transferred from active duty to the reserve, has pursued the worthy goal of chaplaincy in the United States Army, enrolled in and finished his graduate degree, and was ordained by his religious denomination. Not to outdone, during this same season my God-daughter completed her Master’s in Counseling, and was employed in a setting conducive to her preparation and calling.

Did I mention Travis’ expenditure of time, talent and treasure was not in vain? (Well, it wasn’t). For you see, First Lieutenant (now Captain) Travis Wilson has only just received an appointment from the United States Army, and has just added the prefix, ‘Chaplain’ to his name. And did I mention how inestimably proud I am of my daughter and son-in-law? (Well, I am).

I have been afforded a distinct privilege which will culminate later today in a ceremonial anointing and laying on of hands. Per Chaplain Wilson’s request, I will anoint him, and send him off into ministry, but not only him, but my God-daughter and their two children, as well.

How rich. How very rich I am.

All for the click of a mouse.

by William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from (Mc)Donald's Daily Diary. Pt. 55. Copyright Pending.

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