Tuesday, November 21, 2017


And lately, it seems the former mindless multiplicity (See Pt. 1) has given way to the subsequent mindless multiplicity of what has been referred to as, “Taking a Knee.”

In recent months, a few selected NFL players have shown their figurative arses during the singing of the National Anthem by “taking a knee.” The whole notion of not standing up for the flag, and not placing their hands over their hearts is designed to make a statement about the presence of racism, and the denial of basic human rights among minorities in the United States.

Well, the last time I checked every one of those NFL players who have “assumed the pose” earn more money in one year, than I ever made in ten, and in some cases than I ever earned during the course of my entire lifetime on the earth. I’m sorry, but they can cry all the way to the bank.

Perhaps they would be happier in Uganda or Outer Mongolia. I, for one, would be happy to dance on the docks, and wave an exuberant farewell as their ships sailed over the horizon. Shoot, I'd even pack their belongings. Of course, as much as these "be-numbered nitwits" mourn the fate of those for whom they demonstrate, they most certainly would not trade places with them, nor would they invite them over to their mansions for Thanksgiving dinner.

I can only imagine what their NFL compatriot, 27 year old Patrick Tillman, would have thought about these be-numbered numbskulls’ antics. Any football fan “worth his salt” knows this dear man left his lucrative sports career, and enlisted in the United States Army in the aftermath of the September 11th attacks, and that he was, subsequently, killed in a “friendly fire” accident.

The knee-takers aren’t worthy to kneel on the same field on which this wonderful, patriotic man once stood, and sang the song, and saluted the flag.

I used to enjoy watching football on Sundays and Mondays, but, for no apparent reason, my interest has waned over the years. I understand that ever since Colin Kaepernick bowed his knee, and a ‘distinguished’ group of additional players followed his lead, the interest of multiplied thousands of other fans has waned, as well. Game attendance and television viewership are down by a healthy percentage, advertisers are growing concerned with ratings, and the NFL has been increasingly anxious about the loss of revenue.
Kinda like the time my wife woke me up from a nap to tell me that a rattlesnake was crawling across my backyard. I immediately grabbed my revolver, went out back, and discharged the entire load in the cylinder. Well, my friends, I came closer to blowing off my right foot, than sending the snake to his “happy hunting grounds.”

I think it’s the same way with these players. If we accept the remote possibility that their agenda is a positive one, their method is complete madness; since by taking a knee they are close to blowing off their own proverbial feet.
Don’t get me wrong. I hate racism in all its forms. And I live my life in such a way to accept people of all races, colors and creeds. But as far as this country has to go in the area of civil rights, it has already come a great distance, things are not as they were, and things are not as they continue to be in less humane countries of the world.
I have often surmised that if these enlightened young men were forced to choose between their jobs, or their philosophy, they would jump to their feet, and salute the flag so quickly, it could not help but rekindle the patriotic heartstrings in all of us.
(to be continued)

by William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from (Mc)Donald's Daily Diary. Pt. 72. Copyright Pending.

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