Tuesday, November 21, 2017


And then there is the third, and latest of the mindless multiplicities. Call it “The Bill Cosby Syndrome,” if you will.

A myriad of women accusing well-known personalities of pedophilia, or predation; charging that they, the victims, were either preyed upon as a child, or during the course of their employment or interaction with said individuals beset by unwanted and unwarranted sexual advances.

It seems that after the debacle of the two Bill C.’s, (Clinton and Cosby) we might get a breather. However, our esteemed president and the Access Hollywood tape nixed any thought of a reprieve from such vexation of mind and spirit. The latest round began with Harvey Weinstein, the American film producer, who has been accused of a multiplicity of offenses against a multiplicity of women.

Shortly thereafter, the former district attorney and judge, Roy Moore, was beset by forty year old accusations of pedophilia among the children of north Alabama. And what mind-numbing drug would ever allow us to forget Senator Al Franken, and that infamous photo with his hands positioned on a strategic spot on a person of the opposite gender? And, of course, the list would never be complete without adding the eloquent and incalculable Charlie Rose.

Every day I touch the remote button, and the boob tube lights up the darkness, another woman, multiple women, are accusing the next film producer, the next television host, the next movie star, the next congressman of unsolicited carnal knowledge of the most egregious kind.

Male and female commentators on every so-called “news network” spinning the spin, and waxing eloquent about who did it, who they did it to, where they did it, and who was, ultimately, responsible for ‘it.’

Some have assigned almost equal responsibility to adult victims who were naïve enough to participate in vocational requirements in the abusers’ homes. Others claimed that victims and victim wannabes were “piling on” for financial gain.

I don’t know who really did what to whom. I don’t know how many of these accusers were legitimately wronged, or which ones have merely jumped up on the band wagon for personal gain. I don’t know why so many victims have waited so long to tell all. I don’t know why a torrent of claims by a torrent of people about a torrent of abusers have suddenly been unleashed like a proverbial Noah’s flood.
(to be continued)

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