Saturday, June 18, 2016

Delivering My Final Package

Over my past twenty years as a counselor and educator I have supervised a myriad of young and not so young adults preparing for life and ministry.

One of the most promising young people whom I had the privilege of discipling is a young lady named Sarah. She came to me at the age of 16, and we met on a weekly basis for several months. It was a particular privilege to mentor Sarah since her mother, Sherri, served as my co-counselor for a full decade.

I knew that Sarah was destined for greatness, but it’s always fascinating to watch from the sidelines as a promising young person goes about fulfilling their potential, and literally turns theory into reality.

As it fell together, my former discipleship student completed her undergraduate degree in Education, (English), and ultimately went on to enroll in a master’s program in the same discipline. And, if that wasn’t enough, during her tenure in the advanced program she served as teaching assistant.

Sarah recently completed her requirements, and was awarded her graduate level degree.

Paul Harvey used to talk about “The Rest of the Story.”

And at least as far as I am personally concerned, there is a “rest of the story.”

Recently I drove thirty some miles to my former co-counselor’s home, as Sherri has allowed me the use of her den to (drum roll) train a current mentoree who happens to live in the area.

As I stepped up to the door of my friend’s house I noticed a flat parcel propped up against the entrance way. (Did I mention I delivered UPS packages for twenty years prior to, and throughout my early career as a pastoral counselor)? As a result, I can easily identify with the practice of leaving packages against outside doors, and I have a wealth of memories involving this rigorous season of my life.

As I reached the door, I stooped to pick up the parcel and then proceeded to ring the doorbell. As Sherri opened the door I handed her the package, and she responded with,

“That must be Sarah’s degree.”

(And as she later confirmed, it was).

Rather poignant to me that not only had I served as this young lady’s mentor, and had myself taught Education courses in a university environment, but that Sarah completed a graduate degree in the same field of study, and …I was afforded the inestimable privilege of momentarily re-assuming my ancient role and hand delivering her degree.

Years after my retirement from the delivery business, I delivered my final, and personally most rewarding package of all time.

by William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from (Mc)Donald's Daily Diary, Vol. 38. Copyright pending

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