Wednesday, December 18, 2019


I was on the phone with my daughter in West Virginia a few days ago, and she “came out” with an unexpected, but encouraging statement.

Well, let me offer you a little background color before I tell you what my little Mary said to me.

You see, while my daughter is just three years away from the half century mark, she is both mentally ill and borderline retarded, and, as a result, experiences significant impairment in her thinking and functioning. And, as a result, Mary has lived in an assisted living environment over the past twenty-five plus years.

I have often characterized Mary’s ongoing demeanor during this period of time as neither extremely morose, nor extraordinarily ecstatic, and that, “I think she has done the best she could under the circumstances.” It has been difficult for me to realize that my daughter will never marry, will never work a job, will never own a home, will never realize her full potential, and will never function as an adult is meant to function in our society.

Be that as it may, when I was on the phone with Mary the other evening she began talking about a recent experience, the context of which she had only rarely discussed, when she said,


“I didn’t see Him, but I knew He was there.”

And I spontaneously responded with,

“You know it is so much like that, Mary when we are sitting in a room, and someone quietly walks in behind us. We sense their presence with us, but we have not yet seen them.”

Pt. 2

And it seemed to me that my illusion “rang a bell” for Mary. At least, it helped her connect with the understanding that, even in her darkest days, God has not been preoccupied, nor taken a vacation, nor been on a bathroom break.

I ran across a wonderful You Tube segment a couple years ago which features an actor who looks surprisingly like the classical Jesus, and who, throughout the video, can be seen riding on the back of a garbage truck, encouraging a skateboarder to get up, and try again, and standing next to a depressed young woman on the roof of a building.

And I think this little video spoke to me about the daily presence of Jesus in our lives like nothing else ever did. And during the course of my busy life, I have so often viewed this video, and have been encouraged by that two minute bit of e-space, as I never was before.

“Dad, I was in my room the other day, and I felt God’s presence with me.”


“I didn’t see Him, but I knew He was there.”

It has helped me to comprehend that while Mary’s life is different than my own life, and that she will never move and live and breathe on this earth in the exact same manner which I do,… that God values her life and existence as much as He ever did my own.

Speaking of words my daughter has conveyed to me over the years, I will always remember one particular phrase.

“Dad, you know we all have a life to live.”

And I think no truer words have ever been spoken.

And whether we ride on the back of a garbage truck on a daily basis, flit from ramp to handrail to park bench on the back of a skateboard, stand atop a ten story building looking down at a one way leap into the abyss, or live out our lives in an assisted living facility, we can be sure that a loving, caring God, has counted the number of hairs on our heads, writes our names on the palm of His hand, has a space in His heart that only you or I can fill, and, who, though altogether unseen, will not leave us comfortless, and assures us of His presence in the brightest day and in the darkest night.

by William McDonald, PhD. Copyright pending

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1 comment:

  1. PLEASE, PLEASE help me find this video of "Jesus on the Garbage Truck."
    I've looked everywhere!!!! Urgent! Thank you.
