Monday, December 9, 2019


I have often taught both individuals and groups on the topic of Forgiveness.

As “Forrest Gump” once said,

“It’s a good thing.”

(Such a very good thing, indeed).

I have never run across the following word picture in secular or religious literature, though the concept is far from new with me. It has only been expressed slightly differently. I use the characterization or word picture of “dressing a present person in the filthy clothing of someone from the past.”

During my twenty-five years as a pastoral counselor, I have run into this mindset among multiplied dozens of my clients.

It is the notion that if someone from my past has hurt me, then why should I invest trust in someone in my present who holds the same, or a similar role in my life?

As a result, we figuratively dress a status quo, potentially trustworthy individual in the tattered garments of someone who no longer has any wherewithal to disappoint, distress or disillusion us.

As scripture tells us,

“These things ought not to be.”

As a Christian therapist, I am convinced that this tendency can be overcome with just a bit of forgiveness, and a whole lot of practice.

by William McDonald, PhD

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