Wednesday, February 21, 2024



Forty years ago, my wife, children, and I attended a small church in central Florida. 

Our little three year old daughter, Kristy, was very observant and "smart as a whip." And thus, what followed was as understandable, as much as it was humorous. But I am getting ahead of my story.

Bro. Paul Shoemaker, (at that time in the 20th century, we referred to fellow believers as "brother" and "sister"), was an eloquent and enthusiastic orator, and his messages were, (as I have inferred), interesting, informative and enlightening. 

Of course, he often referred to his, (and our), Savior Jesus Christ during the course of his sermons; a development that Kristy could not help but notice since it occurred so often.

One Sunday morning after we arrived a few minutes early for the 11am service, the pastor walked down the center aisle to greet us. Suddenly, Kristy smiled a smile that would light up the world, and exclaimed,

"Hello, Jesus!!!"

I can tell you, we all "got a kick" out of her momentary misnomer!

And with the passing of years I have often thought,

"No one would come any closer to the Original than Bro. Shoemaker."


"Perhaps it was as much for his attributes, as it was his tendency to use the name 'Jesus' that little Kristy misidentified him that day."

For you see, Paul, (an apt given name), was an exemplary man in every way. He was in love with His Lord. He was given to the study of His Word. He was a shining example of what it meant to be a Christian. He was the humblest person I ever met. We would all do well to emulate a man like him.

I have often thought that memorable little scenario was so personally and universally prophetic in nature since I think all believers will, one day, be afforded their own audience with the Savior. 

I, for one, look forward to spending a few moments with my Lord, and greeting Him with the words,

"Hello, Jesus!!!"

by Bill McDonald, PhD

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