Tuesday, December 28, 2021


 In the mid-90's, I attended a counseling conference co-sponsored by a Christian counseling association and "Focus on the Family." While I was there, I met Dr. James Dobson, the President of FotF, and perhaps the best known Christian psychologist in America. 

Dr. Dobson tells the story of a family reunion which occurred years before I met him. The adults were inside the house, and the children were playing in the yard and street. At the time, Dr. Dobson's son, Ryan, was five or six. 

Now, the former of the two happened to peer out the front window, and he noticed the latter standing behind an old pickup truck. Suddenly, Ryan grabbed hold of the tailgate and pulled himself up on it. However, he found he didn't have the strength to lift himself up and over, and his little legs no longer touched the ground.

With this his father hurried out the front door, and without so much as a word, he quickly walked up behind his son. Now Ryan spoke...

"Somebody help the boy!"

Dr. Dobson reached out, and Ryan found two strong hands around his waist. No doubt, the little tyke breathed a sign of relief.

I cannot think of this story without the illusion, metaphor, principle, or whatever you choose to call it virtually slapping me in the proverbial face.

Every one of us needs a little help some time, and possibly many 'some times' during the course of a year. And I think the same person who does the helping at one time or another finds themselves needing help. As we prepare for a brand new year which contains 365 as of yet unwritten pages, I think we should be ready to avail ourselves of assistance, as well as to prepare ourselves to offer assistance.

"Somebody help the boy!"

by William McDonald, PhD

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