Thursday, December 31, 2020


My wife and I were watching an animated Disney movie yesterday called, “Soul.” Without going into the far-fetched pseudo-religious plot, suffice it to say when “stacked up” against holy scripture, it was, to say the least, far-fetched.

However, there was a theme which ran throughout the movie which I not only liked, but which is supported by the Old and New Testaments, and that theme was all about what I choose to refer to as, “The Divine Spark.”

Interestingly enough, as a marriage and family counselor and mentor I often speak to my clients about this concept. The implication which is that God has a particular something for each and every one of us to do, and a role for each and every one of us to assume, and the assurance that He will not only provide us the necessary interest, but the talent and the wherewithal, as well.

And yet, I think there are too many people who have, at one time, dreamed some pretty magnificent dreams, but who have just settled for something less than God’s corresponding dream for themselves; whether that be vocational or marital or ministerial.

My wife and I are good examples of fulfilling dreams which God inspired us to pursue, albeit relatively late in life. I was in my mid-40’s by the time I retired from UPS, finished my degree work, and began my marriage and family counseling career. Jean was nearing 50 when she completed her nursing degree and began her work in the medical career field.

Pt. 2

I once heard a story or perhaps a riddle which put it better than most anything I have ever heard.

“The richest piece of ground on earth. If I were to ask you where that is you might say, ‘The oil wells of Saudi Arabia,’ or ‘The gold mines of South Africa’ or ‘The rain forests of South America.’

“However, if you responded with these possibilities, you would be… absolutely wrong. For you see, the richest piece of ground on earth is your… local cemetery! For lying dormant in the bosoms of thousands of people there are unfinished, unrealized dreams. Dreams which might have changed the world. But they will lie dormant there for a quadrillion years.”

I am convinced that sometime in the annals of history well before time existed Father, Son and Holy Spirit sat down together around their heavenly conference table, and they dreamed some pretty magnificent dreams for you and me. And I am convinced they spoke each of our names out loud, and decided what they had in mind for us, what we would be good at, what would satisfy us, and how we would be the most useful in the kingdom.

My friends, if God has given you a dream, if He has planted an interest in your heart, if you are not yet content that you are in the right place doing the right thing, I would encourage you to ask Him to clarify what He has in store for you, to put the right people in your life, to open the right doors, and to bring that dream to fruition which He dreamed for you before He flung the world and stars into space.

When speaking to a young client, student or intern, I have often mused “You are looking into a sunrise. I am looking into a sunset.” And though I have entered my seventh decade of life on this planet hardly a day goes by that I don’t remember to pray,

“Lord, don’t let me miss out on the remainder of my destiny.”

It’s a good prayer, and I think we should all be praying it, but not only praying it, but pursuing it.

What does our marvelous Creator have for you to do? What Divine Spark has He instilled within you? What dream did He dream for you to accomplish on this earth? How did He complete the sentence after He spoke your name out loud?

by William McDonald, PhD. Copyright pending

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