Monday, December 21, 2020


I was leafing through the monthly AARP magazine a couple days ago, and came across an advertisement, the likes of which I have NEVER seen in any magazine, much less one which is designed for the elderly population.

For you see, this particular advertisement was a promotion for videos designed to help 55 and over couples in the bedroom. (I kid you not). Without being too graphic, (since I think I have a mostly Christian reading audience), for a nominal fee the ad promises to convey to the recipient ten DVD’s; each one of which visually illustrates a different sexual activity, as demonstrated by unmarried or married couples, young or old, as the case may be. (The status and chronology of the actors are not characterized in the advertisement).

As you might imagine, I was absolutely amazed that AARP would consider promoting such a product. And as you might imagine, the likes of yours truly finds such a promotion nothing short of pornographic, and I wondered if the same actors who regularly appear in X-rated movies star in these “instructional” videos. I immediately conjectured that the magazine will receive more than a few complaints from its readers questioning the wisdom and morality of the ad.

However, leaving all the foregoing musings aside, it occurred to me that the promotion company responsible for these videos might conceivably find itself the subject of a class action suit, if and when the 55 and over population begin to view the DVD’s, and/or emulate the activity therein, and dozens of the viewers, and imitators… succumb to heart attacks.

Perhaps the box will have a disclaimer much like one finds on  cigarette wrappers.

“This product is guaranteed to arouse, titillate and satisfy your sexual sensibilities, and enhance your libido (or) kill you.”

by William McDonald, PhD. Copyright pending

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