Saturday, June 16, 2018


President Trump recently met with the fat little dictator of North Korea, President Kim Jong Un, (who looks like he has single-handedly consumed half of his nation's annual food production) in an attempt to agree on terms to denuclearize his country.

And while I am no fan of the former or the latter of the two, the liberal television networks simply cannot have it both ways. They criticize Trump for his bellicose speech against North Korea, and they criticize him for his having successfully arranged a meeting with the fat little dictator.

I mean, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

However, I do have one “bone to pick” with President Trump; (one that I believe must be picked).

Our president has referred to President Kim in the most glowing terms, and as scripture so eloquently says, 

“These things ought not to be.”

Trump has described the man as tough, intelligent, a great bargainer, someone who can be trusted, and a leader who is full of compassion and loves his people.

While I am inclined to accept the first three characterizations, I believe our Commander in Chief’s fourth and fifth persuasion are badly flawed.

The Kim administration has played disarmament games with our country several times over the years, and there is every reason to believe that it will continue to play games in the future. There is every reason to believe that should North Korea agree to divest themselves of nuclear weapons that they will find a way to destroy most of them, while secreting a few away for use in a future war.

Pt. 2

As for the fifth and final characteristic, the fat little dictator has never, does not now, nor will he ever love the people of the world in general, nor the people of North Korea in particular.

I mean, this is a man who has starved, imprisoned, and brutalized his people; while severely punishing any man, woman or child who does not "fall all over themselves" cheering, applauding and weeping in his presence.

Grace Jo, an escapee from North Korea, has testified that she and her brother once survived ten days without food, and ate field mice to remain alive. She tells how that babies are forcibly aborted, that defectors and military leaders who have fallen out of favor have been executed with anti-artillery fire and flame throwers, and that hundreds of thousands of North Korea’s citizens have been sentenced to multiplied years in labor camps; where prisoners work twenty hours a day, where they receive very little food, and women are regularly raped by guards.

Otto Warmbier, the young American man who was detained by North Korea for having stolen a propaganda poster from his hotel hallway, was sentenced to 15 years hard labor for this minor infraction. While he was, ultimately, released his father attests to the horrid condition in which he was returned.

“When my son’s plane landed, I immediately boarded it, and hurried to his side. I heard him before I saw him. He was screaming like a madman. When I reached him, it was apparent that he could not see me, nor could he hear me. His teeth looked like someone had rearranged them with pliers.”

Otto Warmbier died just days after he arrived back in this country.

If anything can be said, and easily verified about Kim Jong Un, it is that he is neither compassionate, nor does he love anyone more than himself.

President Trump, I would encourage you to rethink your flawed persuasion about that fat little dictator with the very bad haircut.

by William McDonald, PhD. Copyright pending

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