Friday, June 22, 2018


Over the past ten years I have been a member of a social media site (Facebook) and collected a whopping 938 'friends' who come from every political, religious, social, and financial spectrum.

However, the 'issue' (if it may be referred to as an issue) is much less about my social media friends, and much more about the group pages to which I subscribe, (and often de-subscribe); and the interactions in which I involve myself on these pages.

And as a result, I have noticed the following things about so-called Liberals:

1. In spite of the term, they are NOT liberally-minded

2. In spite of the term, they espouse one point of view, and will not be deterred from a particular manner of thinking about any given topic

3. They generally opinionate before they have all the facts of the matter

4. They 'come across' like they know what, how, and why you believe as you do

5. They act like they have known you all your life, and nothing is hidden from them

6. They 'put words in your mouth' before you speak them

7. They lump you in with everyone else who believes remotely the way you believe

8. Rather than debate your perspective, they castigate you for your persuasion

9. They consign you to outer darkness, if you differ one iota from whatever they choose to believe

10. They conveniently fail to respond to various 'points' you make in the conversation which adequately challenge whatever they have chosen to believe

(Hmmm, come to think of it, I guess the foregoing list might also describe the average Conservative)

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