Tuesday, August 22, 2017


Anyone with the slightest exposure to the movie, “The Help” is familiar with the line which is spoken by the African-American maid, “Aibileen” to the racist white woman, “Miss Hilly” for whom she worked; at least ‘til the moment in which the phrase was spoken, and she is in the process of being relieved of her duties. I suppose it goes without saying that the intent behind the question has everything to do with Aibileen’s abject disgust with her prejudicial treatment.

At this writing, we are about seven months into a four year term of office of President Donald Trump, and it goes without saying that he is, without contradiction, the most controversial Commander in Chief who has ever lived in that big White House on Pennsylvania Avenue.

And without revealing my perspectives of the man, since I think it is “neither here, nor there” in an article such as this one, (and there are, after all, as many opinions as there are rear ends)… well, allow me to elaborate.

Although I am not generally of the liberal persuasion, I have made a practice of watching the cable networks, CNN and MS-NBC, much more than the network to which one might expect me to subscribe, FOX News. And given my political credentials, I cannot account for my viewing preferences, other than my disdain for what might be described as “Preppies.” At least from my point of view, the daytime cast of FOX, in particular, dress, speak and behave in this manner.

Pt. 2

Granted, the former two networks are decidedly Democrat in their political leanings, whereas no one would deny the latter has a decidedly Republican aura. Nonetheless, (as I have previously affirmed) my somewhat hesitant allegiance has historically aligned with the former.

Did I mention that over the past seven months of the Trump presidency CNN and MS-NBC has devoted 98 percent of their coverage to well, Trump? (Well, they have). And did I mention that 100 percent of this coverage is negative? (Well, it is). I mean, whether the subtopic at hand happens to be The Wall, or DT’s visit to the Mideast, or his tax returns, or the children’s Easter Egg Roll at the White House, the tone is dark and negative, and not one iota of coverage is positive, supportive or uplifting. Not to mention that these networks rarely include conservative leaning men and women among their panelists. Talk about “ganging up.” (Well, they do).

I mean, c’mon. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. And as the days, and weeks, and months have ticked by, and I have become increasingly “worn slap out” with the negative reporting about the current occupant of the White House, the time which I have devoted to these networks have correspondingly decreased, and I have played havoc with my remote control.

I simply don’t understand how the “talking heads” on CNN and MS-NBC can stand themselves or their words. How does one spew negativity about any given subject 24/7/365 and not get sick of one’s own rhetoric?

“Ain’t you tired, Miss Hilly? Ain’t you tired?”

(Mc)Donald's Daily Diary. Vol. 65. By William McDonald, PhD. Copyright pending.

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