Monday, January 11, 2021


As I write this blog, this nation is in the very midst of chaos. Having just gotten through the most horrific year in my seven plus decades, riots, fires, storms and disease, for utter pandemonium, the first two weeks of 2021 does not disappoint.

Just a week ago, our nation’s Capitol Building was occupied by citizen-terrorists, the infrastructure was left in disarray, and the members of our senate and house of representatives were terrorized. And while it could have been so much worse, one member of the Capitol Police was murdered by the unruly mob, and four participants in the siege also died. Thankfully, every one of the 535 members of the two bodies survived, forced to flee for their lives, hiding behind locked doors, and congregating together under conference tables.

And, as might be expected, there were heroes to be found there, especially among those who were sworn to serve, protect and defend those who were entrusted to their care. Eugene Goodman is a case in point.

There is an amazing video in which the lone Goodman is being chased by the crowd of ne’er do wells up a stairwell. As he runs up the staircase which connects the first and second floor, he yells at the point man, and swings his baton.

And now, as he reaches the landing of the second floor, we see him looking to his right. And now he makes an immediate decision to lead the crowd to the left. Goodman is all too aware that the doors to the U.S. Senate Chamber, still occupied by members of that prestigious body, are just feet away.

Hoping against hope that the rightwing extremists are unaware of the location of the Senate Chamber, he runs towards the next staircase, and jumps the steps two at a time, the crowd close on his heels.

As our hero manages to reach the fourth floor, at one point pushing and exchanging words with the lead man, several other members of the Capitol Police congregate around him, and they take their stand against the mob. He is the face of courage on this day of days, placing himself in jeopardy, and single handedly daunting the agenda of the occupiers of the People’s House to harm those in whom the citizens of the United States have invested their trust.

We owe Eugene Goodman and people like him who unselfishly and consistently rise to the fore and the foe when hope is so close to being lost.

by William McDonald, PhD

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