Saturday, July 28, 2018

THE GOOD SAMARITAN (from the Gospel of Luke)

Then one of the experts in the Law attempted to test him.

 "Lord, what can I do to merit everlasting life?"

 "What does the Law tell us about the topic, and what have you read about the subject?" Jesus asked. 

“The Law tells us that, ‘you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor, as yourself,’” he replied.

"You are absolutely correct" said Jesus. "Do this and you will, no doubt, live."

But the man desiring to justify his life and behavior continued.

"But who, after all, is my neighbor?"

And Jesus presented him the following response. 

"Once a man traveled from Jerusalem to Jericho. He fell into the hands of thugs who stole his garments, slapped him around, and left him by the roadside. Later, a priest was walking down this road. But when he saw the pitiful creature, he moved to the other side of the avenue, and continued on his way.”

“Afterwards, a Levite also happened upon the badly injured man, and when he saw him lying there, he also crossed to the other side of the road, and went about his business.”

“Finally, a Samaritan approached the spot where the man lay, and when he saw the poor fellow, his heart swelled with empathy. As a result, he went over to him, and placed bandages on his injuries; having first poured oil and wine on his awful wounds. Then, the Samaritan placed the injured man upon his own mule, took him to an inn, and looked after him as best he could.”

“As he was about to go his way, he took two silver coins from his wallet, placed them in the hands of the inn-keeper, and said,”

'Please continue to care for him, and when I come back this way, I will reimburse you, if any more is required.’”

The Lord looked intently at the individual to whom he was speaking, and said,

“Which of these three, then, was a neighbor to the injured man?"

"The man who practiced empathy by his words and actions," he responded.

And, having heard his reply, Jesus exclaimed,

 "Then you go and do the same.”

(McDonald Paraphrase of the New Testament)

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