Friday, July 13, 2018


I hate social media, (even though I have a Facebook account which I check and contribute to on a recurring basis).

I mean today is a good example.

But allow me to digress a bit.

In the last couple of months, it seems a new fad had virtually overwhelmed Facebook, YouTube and other social media sites.
Policemen lip syncing, line dancing, role playing to music, and participating in similar theatrics. The most common scenario involves a couple of cops in a squad car, and as often as not, it is traveling down a city street at the time. 

Suddenly, the driver slips in a pop CD, and Lady Gaga (Gag Gag) begins her musical diatribe.

Turn the mic up
I, I feel good, I walk alone
But then I trip over myself, and I fall
I, I stand up, and then I'm okay
But then you print some s_ _ _
That makes me wanna scream
So, do what you want
What you want with my body
Do what you want
Don't stop, let's party
Do what you want
What you want with my body
Do what you want
What you want with my body

Of course, the men in blue lip sync, and jive throughout the song; seemingly oblivious to traffic, pedestrians, and any criminal activity which happens to be going on around them.

Pt. 2

There’s a Facebook group page to which I simply must discontinue my subscription. Whereas, the page was created as a tribute to our brave police officers throughout our great nation, their exploits, their untimely passing, their triumphs and tragedies, lately this site is almost altogether devoted to the amateur videos of the men and women in blue.

As a result, I have sometimes left responses such as,

“All this is well and good, but I think these public servants have crossed a line with their lip syncing, and dancing, and ‘carrying on.’”


“I mean, we aren’t paying them to jive, cut up and generally ‘carry on.’ They are there for one purpose. The protection of the general public.”


“Not only is the citizenry of this country paying their salaries while they are behaving this way, but getting in a two ton vehicle, and cruising down a city street while jiving to the beat of Lady Gaga is a recipe for disaster. They may as well be texting or drinking and driving.”


“One day one of these music duos is gonna run over somebody while they are pre-occupied with Lady Gaga and “Do What You Want.”


“Our men and women in blue should have the opportunity to ‘chill out,’ and enjoy life, but let them do it during their time off.”

Pt. 3

Well, as you might imagine, there are as many opinions as there are rear ends, and there is always a ‘wise guy’ (or gal) in the crowd.

Today I received the following response to my own.

“The military are also public servants, and they have fun. I know I enjoyed myself in the military. Get a life, buttercup.”

Well, dear readers, this is why I hate social media. 

People whom you have never met, and are unlikely to ever meet, people who don’t know you, attempt to characterize (or demonize) your opinion; as if your perspectives are a personal attack upon them.

I mean, it is one thing to disagree with someone. But when you begin calling them names. Well, it’s just unacceptable and intolerable.

However, to return to my story. Having been characterized as a ‘buttercup,’ I responded with,

“Please don’t attempt to characterize me. I wouldn’t characterize you. You don’t know me, or anything about me. I served 35 years in the military. Thank you. The last time I checked, we all have a right to our own opinions, …Buttercup.”


The fun and games continue. Another knucklehead just wrote,
“As for our military, they take a 5 minute job and turn it into eight hours.”

I responded with,

“I can’t speak for the rest of our armed forces, but I took my role seriously, and served this country with honor. And by the way, there are a tremendous number of my military brothers and sisters who gave the last full measure of devotion and who are lying six feet under in cemeteries around the world. You, my friend, are an offense to such people.”

by William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from (Mc)Donald's Daily Diary. Vol. 85. Copyright pending

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