Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Illustrious Iraqi Army

Today’s news reports claim that the City of Ramadi has been retaken from ISIS, and that the Iraqi Army is responsible for their defeat.

And we might all agree, (except the black-masked thugs which previously populated the place) that the elimination of this threat from a decimated city is nothing less than a good thing. 

And I’ll grant you that, “as far as it goes.”

However, what too easily passes as a great and momentous victory is, rather, comparatively small and long overdue. 

For you see, this gang of murderers, bank robbers, child abusers, and destroyers of archaeological sites numbers no more than 80 thousand (80,000); with approximately equal fractions of the whole spread between the nations of Iraq and Syria.

While the Iraqi Army is comprised of

2 million 800 thousand (2,800,000) active and reserve troops. 

Now you tell me. What’s wrong with this picture?

Over the past several months, we have witnessed the inestimable “courage” of this vast army; one of the largest armies on the face of the planet.

For you see, each and every time, without fail, representatives of this so-called “Army” has been threatened by members of the “Islamic State” they have

… run away “with their tails between their legs”

leaving their American vehicles and equipment for ISIS to use against them.

I have wondered what it will take for the nation of Iraq, as well as the other nations in the Mideast to mobilize mentally and numerically, and to raise up a joint host of “crusaders” and, (for they surely have the wherewithal) simply “walk all over” these black-masked “n’er do wells” who have troubled them for too long.

Should they fail to summon up whatever they have thus far so sorely lacked, and make better decisions than they have thus far made, there is every reason to believe that the footprints and tire tracks of this would-be caliphate will penetrate the very borders of those lands which they once held so dear.

By William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from "(Mc)Donald's Daily Diary" Vol. 21. Copyright pending

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