Monday, October 26, 2015

Trust God With This?

I was listening to a "Night Sounds" broadcast in the past few minutes titled "Trust God With This?" And it occurred to me that, at least in our English language, these same four words might just as well bear a period (or exclamation mark) at the end of the sentence, as if a student asked the original question, and his mentor replied with the same four words, but closing with a different punctuation mark.

It can be hard to trust a visible life to an invisible God. And sometimes I envy Christ' disciples since they were given the inestimable privilege of seeing and experiencing the King of kings and Lord of lords in tangible form. And yet, we are admonished that,

"We walk not by sight, but by faith."

Never truer words were spoken.

Trust God With This? And in so many words, and so many places throughout scripture, God responds,

"Trust Me With This!"

In the past year I have experienced something which has kicked me in the proverbial rear end like nothing in my entire life, and which has left me empty and confused about God's purposes; (and I admit it, even His inherent fairness). And like the broadcast to which I alluded, I have in so many words asked that same question, "Trust God With This?"

In this life we encounter a myriad of events which leave us with this mindset, and yet for anything and everything we contend, it seems there is someone who has experienced something a bit worse.

I think of Elisabeth Elliot, whose husband, Jim, along with four other missionaries were speared to death by Indians; while attempting to share the Gospel in the country of Ecuador. And yet, if we are to believe her own words, Ms. Elliot trusted the Creator with this inestimably crushing experience, and allowed Him to sort out all the pain and discrepancies of such an incomparable loss.

And He did.

For in due time, Jim Elliot's wife was given an entre into the lives of the Indians who had robbed her, and four other young widows of their husbands. And amazingly, the chief, the murderers, and the majority of the tribe ultimately came to know Christ as Savior.

I have often thought that we, as human beings, are too familiar with our finite lives to properly appreciate the infinite. I think we judge everything which transpires in the light of the momentary, and fail to evaluate it in the light of eternity.

And as the old adage goes,

"And in this lies the rub."

Scripture assures us that,

"This life... is passing away, but he who does the will of God endures forever." (1st John 2:17)


"I reckon the suffering of this present time isn't worthy to be compared to the glory that will be revealed in us." (Romans 8:18)

Trust God With This?

Yes, my friend. Trust God With Even 

... This!

By William McDonald, PhD. Excerpt from "(Mc)Donald's Daily Diary" Vol. 13

**I ask that if you copy and paste my blogs, share or download them to your hard drive that you include my name and source line which I always include at the bottom of each blog

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