Wednesday, November 20, 2019


*Following is a true story from the first half of the 20th century

Saul was an accomplished musician and Susannah, his wife, was an acclaimed vocalist. However, as one decade gave way to the next their bookings decreased, and they ‘hit on hard times.’

And as is sometimes the case when emotions are raw, and hopelessness rules and reigns, the couple resorted to alcohol, and illegal substances to numb their feelings. Over time they became so addicted to the stuff, and so thoroughly destitute that Saul urged Susannah to sell her body. And sell her body, she did. On a daily basis.

One night as the couple sat in their little shanty, they began to talk about doing the unspeakable. They would check into a hotel room, take poison and die. Life was no longer worth the living.

As Saul and Susannah each poured themselves a glass of water, and she retrieved a double handful of prescription drugs from her purse, Saul noticed a Bible on the bed stand. Suddenly, the momentum towards oblivion stopped, he picked up the Bible and began reading aloud.

“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)

Both Saul and Susannah were marvelously converted that evening, and joy of joys surrendered not only their souls, but the entire rest of their lives to the Creator.

Ultimately, the couple devoted their time and efforts to the ministry, went on to pastor numerous churches, and impacted thousands of souls whom God set in their pathway.

by William McDonald, PhD. Copyright pending

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